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Cucumber Runner 不会使用空手道加载所有功能文件

[英]Cucumber Runner doesn't load all feature files using Karate

I'm using Karate for testing REST API, now I'm trying to run feature files in parallel:我正在使用 Karate 来测试 REST API,现在我正在尝试并行运行功能文件:

@CucumberOptions(tags = { "@someTest" })
public class ParallelTest {

public void testParallel() {
    KarateStats stats = CucumberRunner.parallel(getClass(), 5, 
    Assert.assertTrue(stats.getFailCount() == 0, "scenarios failed");

The test runs only 3 feature files in parallel and doesn't run all 5 features.该测试仅并行运行 3 个功能文件,并没有运行所有 5 个功能。 I got this code from CucumberRunner.parallel function:我从 CucumberRunner.parallel 函数中得到了这个代码:

CucumberRunner runner = new CucumberRunner(this.getClass());
List<FeatureFile> featureFiles = runner.getFeatureFiles();

Then tried to load my feature files, the list size is 3, that means the function didn't load all features.然后尝试加载我的功能文件,列表大小为 3,这意味着该功能没有加载所有功能。 Any idea why this is happening?知道为什么会这样吗?

Note: all feature files under the same package.注意:同一个包下的所有功能文件。

Parallel() function code: Parallel() 函数代码:

  public static KarateStats parallel(Class clazz, int threadCount, String reportDir) {
    KarateStats stats = KarateStats.startTimer();
    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount);
    CucumberRunner runner = new CucumberRunner(clazz);
    List<FeatureFile> featureFiles = runner.getFeatureFiles();
    List<Callable<KarateJunitFormatter>> callables = new ArrayList<>(featureFiles.size());
    int count = featureFiles.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        int index = i + 1;
        FeatureFile featureFile = featureFiles.get(i);
        callables.add(() -> {
            String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
            KarateJunitFormatter formatter = getFormatter(reportDir, featureFile);
            logger.info(">>>> feature {} of {} on thread {}: {}", index, count, threadName, featureFile.feature.getPath());
            runner.run(featureFile, formatter);
            logger.info("<<<< feature {} of {} on thread {}: {}", index, count, threadName, featureFile.feature.getPath());
            return formatter;
    try {
        List<Future<KarateJunitFormatter>> futures = executor.invokeAll(callables);
        for (Future<KarateJunitFormatter> future : futures) {
            KarateJunitFormatter formatter = future.get();
            if (formatter.isFail()) {
        return stats;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

Thanks :)谢谢 :)

The simplest explanation is that the tags in the @CucumberOptions is having an effect.最简单的解释是@CucumberOptions中的tags正在起作用。 Try commenting it out and try again.尝试将其注释掉,然后重试。 Else there is nothing I can make out from the information you have provided.否则,我无法从您提供的信息中看出任何内容。

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