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[英]Purpose of base case in binary search tree deletion

I am taking a course on algorithms and data structures in Python 3 and my instructor recently introduced us to the binary search tree. 我正在学习Python 3中的算法和数据结构课程,我的讲师最近向我们介绍了二叉搜索树。 However, I am having trouble understanding the deletion algorithm. 但是,我无法理解删除算法。 Below is the implementation we were taught, however when I initially wrote my own rendition, I did not include a "base case" and it still worked: 下面是我们所教授的实现,但是当我最初编写自己的演绎时,我没有包含“基本案例”,它仍然有效:

def remove(self, data):
    if self.root:
        self.root = self.remove_node(data, self.root)

def remove_node(self, data, node):
     if node is None:
        return node
    if data < node.data:
        node.leftChild = self.remove_node(data, node.leftChild)
    elif data > node.data:
        node.rightChild = self.remove_node(data, node.rightChild)
        if not node.rightChild and not node.leftChild:
            print('removing leaf node')
            del node
            return None
        if not node.leftChild:
            print('removing node with single right child')
            tempNode = node.rightChild
            del node
            return tempNode
        elif not node.rightChild:
            print('removing node with single left child')
            tempNode = node.leftChild
            del node
            return tempNode
        print('removing node with two children')
        tempNode = self.get_predecessor(node.leftChild)
        node.data = tempNode.data
        node.leftChild = self.remove_node(tempNode.data, node.leftChild)
    return node

Now, all of this makes sense to me except the statement below: 现在,除了以下声明之外,所有这些对我都有意义:

if node is None:
    return node

When we previously learned about base cases, we were taught that they were essentially the exit points for our algorithms. 当我们之前了解基本情况时,我们被告知它们本质上是我们算法的出口点。 However, I do not understand how this is the case in the given code. 但是,我不明白给定代码中的情况如何。 For one, I do not see how a node could ever be empty and even if it was, why would we return an empty node? 首先,我没有看到节点是如何变空的,即使它是,为什么我们会返回一个空节点? As far as I can see, this check serves no purpose in the overall recursion because we do not seem to "recur towards it" as we would in any other recursive function. 据我所知,这个检查在整体递归中没有用处,因为我们似乎没有像任何其他递归函数那样“重复”。 I would greatly appreciate an explanation! 我非常感谢你的解释!

Base case(s), in general, serve one or more purposes, these include; 一般而言,基本案例有一个或多个目的,包括:

  1. preventing the function from recursing infinitely 阻止函数无限递归
  2. preventing the function from throwing errors on corner cases 防止功能在角落案件上抛出错误
  3. compute/return a value/result to callers higher up in the recursion tree 计算/返回递归树中较高的调用者的值/结果

With tree deletion, the first point isn't really a concern (because the recursion tree will only have a finite number of nodes - same as the tree you recurse over). 删除树时,第一点并不是真正的问题(因为递归树只有有限数量的节点 - 与你递归的树相同)。 You will be concerned with points 2 and 3 here. 您将关注第2点和第3点。

In your function, you do have a base case - in fact, you have two (thanks to @user2357112) - 在你的函数, 有一个基本情况-事实上,你有两个(感谢@ user2357112) -

  1. The value-not-found portion, specified by 未找到的值部分,由。指定

     if node is None: return node 

    and, 和,

  2. The value-found portion, specified by your code inside the else statement, which performs the actual deletion. value-found部分,由else语句中的代码指定,执行实际删除。

To keep the behaviour consistent with the recursive cases, the value-not-found base case returns None . 为了使行为与递归情况保持一致,value-not-found基本情况返回None As you see, the first base case is consistent performs the second function of a generic base case outlined above, while the second base case performs the third. 如您所见,第一个基本案例是一致执行上面概述的通用基本案例的第二个功能,而第二个基本案例执行第三个。

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