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[英]Excel find last match from two tables

I'm looking for a way to find the last instance on an entry in the columns A,B and get the corresponding values from columns C,D 我正在寻找一种方法来查找A,B列中条目的最后一个实例,并从列C,D中获取相应的值

In the example below value for Henry is 1374 and value for Amy is 1124 在下面的示例中,Henry的值是1374,Amy的值是1124


Name1 corresponds to Value1 and Name2 corresponds to Value2. Name1对应于Value1,Name2对应于Value2。 Is there a formula to find the last entry from both columns Name1 and Name2 and return the corresponding Value1 or Value2 是否有一个公式可以从Name1和Name2列中找到最后一个条目,并返回相应的Value1或Value2

Raw data pasted below: 粘贴的原始数据如下:

Name1   Name2   Value1  Value2
Sara    Amy     1265    1241
John    Sara    1142    1214
Amy     Henry   1295    1121
Amy     John    1175    1323
Sara    John    1085    1251
Sara    Henry   1242    1374
Amy     Sara    1124    1055

Assumptions: 假设:

Data Grid is in cells A1:D8 . 数据网格位于单元格A1:D8 Values "Henry" & "Amy" are in cell A10 & A11 respectively. 值“Henry”和“Amy”分别在单元格A10A11

Formula implementation: 公式实施:

In cell B10 following formula is implemented. 在单元格B10中实施以下公式。

Alternative 1: 备选方案1:


Alternative 2 (slightly shorter than 1): 备选方案2(略短于1):


To be copied down as much needed. 要尽可能地复制下来。

Notice -1 value after MAX() function which is used to adjust row number. 注意MAX()函数后的-1值,用于调整行号。 It should be always n-1 considering data starts at nth row. 考虑到数据从第n行开始,它应该总是n-1。

Slightly shorter: 略短:

= INDEX($C$1:$D$8,MAX(IF($A$1:$B$8=A10,ROW($A$1:$B$8))),MATCH(A10,

Note this is an array formula, so you must press Ctrl + Shift + Enter rather than just Enter after typing the formula. 请注意,这是一个数组公式,因此您必须在键入公式后按Ctrl + Shift + Enter而不是按Enter键

See below for working example. 请参阅下面的工作示例。


I've been trying to remember another method I've seen for 2d lookup (I can't find the link any more). 我一直在努力记住另一种我见过2d查找的方法(我找不到链接了)。 It's basically like this 它基本上就是这样


entered as an array formula using Ctrl Shift Enter . 使用Ctrl Shift Enter作为数组公式输入

So the idea is that you generate a number from the row and column where the last occurrence of the name is located (so for Henry it would be 702). 因此,我们的想法是从名称的最后一次出现的行和列生成一个数字(因此对于Henry来说,它将是702)。

The you format it to give R7C02 and feed this in to an indirect to give the reference to the cell in RC notation. 您将其格式化为R7C02并将其输入到间接,以RC表示法提供对单元格的引用。 The column plus 2 gives the cell that you want. 列加2给出了您想要的单元格。

You might notice that this would fail if column>99, but you can make the multiplier as big as you want. 您可能会注意到,如果列> 99,则会失败,但您可以根据需要调整乘数。


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