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[英]Generate long numeric id of type String with auto increment

I need to save entity with numeric id(15-25 digits) to H2 db. 我需要将具有ID(15-25位数字)的实体保存到H2数据库。 Since db doesn't support BigInteger (it's mapped to Decimal ), the only way to save such long numbers is String type. 由于db不支持BigInteger (映射为Decimal ),因此保存此类长数字的唯一方法是String类型。

Question: How I can generate such a numeric id of String type with auto increment? 问题:如何通过自动增量生成此类String类型的数字ID?


ID should looks like: 123456789012345 (min 15 digits, max 25 digits) ID应该类似于:123456789012345(最少15位,最多25位)

You can still use a BigInteger behind the scenes. 您仍然可以在后台使用BigInteger

Something like this should work for any number of digits and is thread safe. 这样的事情应该适用于任意数量的数字并且是线程安全的。

private static final AtomicReference<BigInteger> id = new AtomicReference<>(BigInteger.ZERO);

public String nextId() {
    BigInteger next = id.accumulateAndGet(BigInteger.ONE, (x, y) -> x.add(y));
    return next.toString();

public void test(String[] args) {
    for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {

If your limits (15 - 25 digits) is hard then something like this would probably do. 如果您的限制(15到25位数字)比较难,则可能会这样。

private static final int MIN_DIGITS = 2;
private static final int MAX_DIGITS = 3;
private static final BigInteger start = BigInteger.TEN.pow(MIN_DIGITS-1);
private static final BigInteger limit = BigInteger.TEN.pow(MAX_DIGITS).subtract(BigInteger.ONE);

private static final AtomicReference<BigInteger> id = new AtomicReference<>(start);

public String nextId() {
    BigInteger next = id.accumulateAndGet(BigInteger.ONE, (x, y) -> {
        if(x.compareTo(limit) >= 0) {
            // Back to start.
            return start;
        return x.add(y);
    return next.toString();

public void test(String[] args) {
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {

Note that for testing I have set the limits to 2 and 3 . 请注意,为了进行测试,我将限制设置为23 You can adjust to your taste. 您可以调整自己的口味。

使用IDENTITY(START 10000000000),java Long,自动递增: http : //www.h2database.com/html/datatypes.html#identity_type

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