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[英]Passing Data to view controllers that are embedded in container views

I have view controllers that just need to get passed a NSDictionary called "otherUser".我有视图控制器,只需要传递一个名为“otherUser”的 NSDictionary。 I am using a segmented controller to conveniently present 4 of these views to a user using container views.我正在使用分段控制器方便地向使用容器视图的用户呈现其中 4 个视图。 I know all of these views will be loaded at the same time and will stay loaded, which is what I want even though the toll on memory.我知道所有这些视图都将同时加载并保持加载状态,即使会占用内存,这也是我想要的。 I know how to directly pass this value to the view controller but don't know how to pass it to a view controller that would then spread it to 4 views to load the same data.我知道如何直接将此值传递给视图控制器,但不知道如何将其传递给视图控制器,然后将其传播到 4 个视图以加载相同的数据。 ---- Below is me passing "otherUser" to "BusinessProfileSwitchView"(View Controller with container views) based on the search bar actions. ---- 下面是我根据搜索栏操作将“otherUser”传递给“BusinessProfileSwitchView”(带有容器视图的视图控制器)。

 override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    super.prepare(for: segue, sender: sender)
    if segue.identifier == "BusinessProfiles" {
        // gotta check if we're currently searching
        if self.searchController.isActive && searchController.searchBar.text != "" {
            if let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow {
                let user = filteredUsers[indexPath.row]
                let controller = segue.destination as? BusinessProfileSwitchView
                controller?.otherUser = user
        } else {
            if let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow {
                let user = usersArray[indexPath.row]
                let controller = segue.destination as? BusinessProfileSwitchView
                controller?.otherUser = user

What is the method of attack do you guys think I should use to pass "otherUser"/NSDictionary to the view controller with container views that would then spread "otherUser" to 4 views?你们认为我应该使用什么攻击方法将“otherUser”/NSDictionary 传递给带有容器视图的视图控制器,然后将“otherUser”传播到 4 个视图? Below is my view controller that connect to the other 4 views.下面是我连接到其他 4 个视图的视图控制器。

 import UIKit

 class BusinessProfileSwitchView: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var feedView: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var collectionView: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var infoView: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var socialView: UIView!

var infos: BusinessProfilesDetails!
var collections: BusinessProfilePostsCollection!
var feeds: BusinessProfilePostsFeed!
var socials: BusinessProfilesViewController!

@IBOutlet weak var switchController: UISegmentedControl!

var otherUser: NSDictionary!

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

    switch  switchController.selectedSegmentIndex {
    case 0:
        infoView.isHidden = false
        feedView.isHidden = true
        collectionView.isHidden = true
        socialView.isHidden = true
    case 1:
        infoView.isHidden = true
        feedView.isHidden = true
        collectionView.isHidden = false
        socialView.isHidden = true
    case 2:
        infoView.isHidden = true
        feedView.isHidden = false
        collectionView.isHidden = true
        socialView.isHidden = true
    case 3:
        infoView.isHidden = true
        feedView.isHidden = true
        collectionView.isHidden = true
        socialView.isHidden = false


override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

@IBAction func viewControl(_ sender: UISegmentedControl) {
    switch  switchController.selectedSegmentIndex {
    case 0:
        infoView.isHidden = false
        feedView.isHidden = true
        collectionView.isHidden = true
        socialView.isHidden = true
    case 1:
        infoView.isHidden = true
        feedView.isHidden = true
        collectionView.isHidden = false
        socialView.isHidden = true
    case 2:
        infoView.isHidden = true
        feedView.isHidden = false
        collectionView.isHidden = true
        socialView.isHidden = true
    case 3:
        infoView.isHidden = true
        feedView.isHidden = true
        collectionView.isHidden = true
        socialView.isHidden = false


} }

In your Storyboard, when you embed a VC in a ContainerView, you also see a "segue" connecter.在您的 Storyboard 中,当您在 ContainerView 中嵌入 VC 时,您还会看到一个“segue”连接器。 When the root VC loads, you will get a call to prepare for segue for that.当根 VC 加载时,您将收到一个电话,准备为此进行转场。

Give each storyboard-created segue an Identifier - such as "infoViewEmbedSegue", "feedViewEmbedSegue", etc.给每个故事板创建的 segue 一个标识符——例如“infoViewEmbedSegue”、“feedViewEmbedSegue”等。

In your root VC, I'm guessing that在你的根 VC 中,我猜

var infos: BusinessProfilesDetails!
var feeds: BusinessProfilePostsFeed!

are variables to reference the content of infoView ?是引用infoView内容的infoView吗? If so, in prepare() you want to:如果是这样,在 prepare() 中你想:

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {

    // get a reference to the embedded PageViewController on load

    if let vc = segue.destination as? BusinessProfilesDetails,
        segue.identifier == "infoViewEmbedSegue" {
        self.infos = vc
        // if you already have your data object
        self.infos.otherUser = theDataDict

    if let vc = segue.destination as? BusinessProfilePostsFeed,
        segue.identifier == "feedViewEmbedSegue" {
        self.feeds = vc
        // if you already have your data object
        self.feeds.otherUser = theDataDict

    // etc


Now you'll have persistent references to the actual View Controllers embedded in your Container Views, in case you want access to them in other parts of your root VC, eg:现在,您将拥有对嵌入在容器视图中的实际视图控制器的持久引用,以防您想在根 VC 的其他部分访问它们,例如:

@IBAction func btnTapped(_ sender: Any) {
    self.feeds.otherUser = theDataDict

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