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如何忽略Common Lisp中的返回值

[英]How to ignore a return value in Common Lisp

I'm working with some code which calls ADJUST-ARRAY. 我正在处理一些称为ADJUST-ARRAY的代码。 I am getting a warning message from the Lisp interpreter (CMUCL) that the return value of ADJUST-ARRAY should not be ignored. 我收到来自Lisp解释器(CMUCL)的警告消息,不应忽略ADJUST-ARRAY的返回值。

In the code I am working on, ADJUST-ARRAY modifies its argument in place, if I am not mistaken. 在我正在处理的代码中,如果我没有记错的话,ADJUST-ARRAY会修改其参数。 So it's not necessary to do anything with the return value. 因此,无需对返回值做任何事情。 Is there a designated way to ignore a return value in Common Lisp? 是否有一种指定的方法可以忽略Common Lisp中的返回值? Of course, I could assign the return value to some variable, and then ignore the variable. 当然,我可以将返回值分配给某个变量,然后忽略该变量。 But that feels clumsy. 但这感觉很笨拙。

I could also assign the return value to the ADJUST-ARRAY argument, something like: 我还可以将返回值分配给ADJUST-ARRAY参数,例如:

(setq my-array (adjust-array my-array ...))

but that seems to suggest that I'm not sure if ADJUST-ARRAY will modify MY-ARRAY in place. 但这似乎表明我不确定ADJUST-ARRAY是否会就地修改MY-ARRAY。

Any advice is welcome, thanks in advance. 欢迎任何建议,谢谢。

You are correct. 你是对的。 As the documentation states: 文档所述:

The result is an array of the same type and rank as array, that is either the modified array, or a newly created array to which array can be displaced, and that has the given new-dimensions. 结果是与数组具有相同类型和级别的数组,它要么是修改后的数组,要么是可以将数组移位到的新创建的数组 ,并且具有给定的新维度。

If the result is a newly created array then of course the function would have had no effect on the argument. 如果结果是一个新创建的数组,那么该函数当然不会对参数产生影响

Common Lisp almost always require you to use the returned value rather than old bindings in order to have portable code. 为了拥有可移植的代码,Common Lisp几乎总是要求您使用返回值而不是旧的绑定。

The specification of adjust-array is that the adjusted array is the one returned. adjust-array的规范是adjust-array后的数组是返回的数组。

What you can expect of the argument array afterwards to be is a bit complicated and may differ between implementations in some cases. 之后,您对参数数组的期望可能会有些复杂,并且在某些情况下可能会因实现而有所不同。

Just use the one returned. 只需使用返回的那个。 You might use setf to modify or let to create a binding. 您可以使用setf修改或let创建绑定。

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