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[英]Vim: Soft wrap and long lines with at-signs

I have a buffer with :set wrap enabled. 我有一个启用了:set wrap的缓冲区。 It appears like this: 看起来像这样:


If I make the window just a little bigger, the @ signs in the gutter go away, and I can see the full line. 如果我将窗口稍大一点,则装订线中的@符号消失了,我可以看到整行。


My question is what option governs these @ at-signs, and how can I change vim to show me these long lines when I can't see the end of them? 我的问题是什么选项控制这些@符号,当我看不到它们的结尾时,如何更改vim以显示这些长行?

To remove the @ symbols, enable the lastline flag in the 'display' option, for example by putting the following in your .vimrc : 要删除@符号,请在'display'选项中启用lastline标志,例如,将以下内容放在.vimrc

set display=lastline

The window-contents section of the vim manual describes the resulting behavior in more detail, but briefly, this will truncate the end of the last line and replace it with @@@ (to indicate that it is cut off by the bottom edge of the window), instead of hiding the entire last line behind at signs. vim手册的window-contents部分更详细地描述了所产生的行为,但是简要地讲,这将截断最后一行的末尾,并用@@@替换它(以表明该行已被窗口),而不是将整个最后一行隐藏在标志后面。

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