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[英]How to revoke the access and refresh token in Oauth2.0?

I've used this method for revoke the token.我已使用此方法撤销令牌。 But the access token and refresh token again reusable.但是访问令牌和刷新令牌再次可重用。 How to revoke the access and refresh token?如何撤销访问和刷新令牌?

public async Task<IActionResult> Revoke(string 
    var identityService = await 

    var revocationClient = new 
    TokenRevocationClient(identityService.RevocationEndpoint, "ro.client", 
    var response = await 
               var response1 = await 

Only reference and refresh tokens can be revoked in this way.只能以这种方式撤销引用和刷新令牌。 JWTs are valid until their exp time unless you build additional logic into the consumer. JWT 在它们的 exp 时间之前一直有效,除非您在消费者中构建额外的逻辑。

My company, who provide software for managing investment banking assets, use the following separation:我公司提供管理投资银行资产的软件,采用如下分离方式:


  • Access tokens are for calling APIs from UIs访问令牌用于从 UI 调用 API
  • They have a short lifetime of 30 minutes它们的寿命很短,只有 30 分钟
  • They are JWTs and do not need to be revoked since they are short lived它们是 JWT 并且不需要被撤销,因为它们是短暂的


  • These are represented by a refresh token这些由刷新令牌表示
  • The refresh token for a UI might last for 8 hours UI 的刷新令牌可能会持续 8 小时
  • Every 30 minutes the access token expires and is silently renewed访问令牌每 30 分钟过期一次,并以静默方式更新
  • Refresh tokens are stored in a database刷新令牌存储在数据库中
  • An IT administrator can revoke a refresh token by deleting it from the DB IT 管理员可以通过从数据库中删除刷新令牌来撤销它
  • This will force a new login after no more than 30 minutes这将在不超过 30 分钟后强制重新登录


  • Typically the IT administrator will want to use context when revoking a refresh token, such as Application Id, User Id and Time Issued通常,IT 管理员在撤销刷新令牌时希望使用上下文,例如应用程序 ID、用户 ID 和发布时间

  • So if you are providing a UI for revocation you might want to provide fields such as the above因此,如果您提供用于撤销的 UI,您可能需要提供诸如上述的字段

refresh tokens are only used for desktop / mobile apps or for server side web apps.刷新令牌仅用于桌面/移动应用程序或服务器端 Web 应用程序。

For a true browser app (single page app) you can't use refresh tokens.对于真正的浏览器应用程序(单页应用程序),您不能使用刷新令牌。 You can still separate API credential time from User Session time though.不过,您仍然可以将 API 凭证时间与用户会话时间分开。

There are some notes on my blog around sessions, in case they help:我的博客上有一些关于会话的笔记,以防万一它们有帮助:

  • OAuth Token Renewal Messages OAuth 令牌更新消息

  • I'm not covering server side web apps but basically they carry the refresh token around in the authentication cookie我没有涵盖服务器端 Web 应用程序,但基本上它们在身份验证 cookie 中携带刷新令牌

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