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[英]PhpStorm code completion for base classes

I have a base class named BaseSniff and have derived several classes from this. 我有一个名为BaseSniff的基类,并从中派生了几个类。

BaseSniff contains a member of type PHP_CodeSniffer_File called $phpcsFile . BaseSniff包含类型为$phpcsFile PHP_CodeSniffer_File类型的成员。

When editing BaseSniff PhpStorm will autocomplete when using $this->phpcsFile but in the derived classes this does not work. 在编辑BaseSniff时,使用$this->phpcsFile时PhpStorm将自动完成,但在派生类中则不起作用。

Is there a way of achieving this? 有没有办法做到这一点?

Here is how the base class is declared 这是如何声明基类的

 * Base class for all Cardstream code sniffs.
 * The class is constructed from a 
 *     list of tokens to register 
 *     list of code violations to check
 * This class implements the 'process' method of the PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff 
 * class.
 * Derived classes are able to execute code before the actual processing of 
 * the token via the 'preProcess' method.
 * The code violations are then processed and errors and warnings are reported.
 * A code violation can stop the processing of the remaining 
 * violations for the file.
 * @author      Graham Labdon <graham.labdon@cardstream.com>
abstract class BaseSniff implements \PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff {
    public function process(\PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcs_file, $stack_ptr) {
        $this->phpcsFile = $phpcs_file;
     * Creates the sniff.
     * Initialises the sniff
     * @param   array       $register           Array of tokens to register
     * @param   array       $code_violations    List of code violations to check
     * @param   string      $sniff_name         Name of sniff
     * @return  void
    public function __construct(
        array $register, 
        array $code_violations, 
    ) {
        $this->firstCall = true;
        $this->registeredTokens = $register;
        $this->codeViolations = $code_violations;
        $this->sniffName = $sniff_name; 

And here is a derived class 这是派生类

class MultilineFunctionCallSniff extends BaseSniff {
    public function __construct() {
        $violations = array();

        $register = \PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$functionNameTokens;



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