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[英]Scale a Gtkmm widget in vertically and horizontally

I am trying to make a Gtkmm::Entry bigger both vertically and horizontally so that in the end it would match the shape of a square. 我试图使Gtkmm :: Entry在垂直和水平方向上都更大,以便最终与正方形的形状匹配。 I wasn't able to find any documentation on this and would really appreciate if someone could help. 我找不到任何相关文档,如果有人可以提供帮助,我将不胜感激。

I have seen that it is possible to use the set size request method to give it a square shape however it is too small and the text written in it is illegible. 我已经看到可以使用set size请求方法来给它提供一个正方形,但是它太小了并且其中的文字难以辨认。 Does anyone know how to achieve this? 有谁知道如何实现这一目标?

You could use a GtkTextView which supports resizing. 您可以使用支持调整大小的GtkTextView TextEntries are typically not re-sizable. TextEntries通常无法调整大小。

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