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在Drupal 6中为丢失的图像添加状态代码410

[英]Add status code 410 for missing images in Drupal 6

I need to send status 410 for missing images instead of 404, in Drupal 6. For example I have a image link as https://www.example.com/our-locations/directory/sub-directory/files/xyz.png which no longer exist in this location, then I need to send status 410 instead of 404. 我需要在Drupal 6中发送状态信息410,而不是404,而不是404。例如,我有一个图像链接,例如https://www.example.com/our-locations/directory/sub-directory/files/xyz.png该位置不再存在,那么我需要发送状态410而不是404。

Solutions already I have tried are: 我已经尝试过的解决方案是:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^our-locations/directory/sub-directory/files/(\.jpg|\.png)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [NC,R=410,L] 

You can use this : 您可以使用:

 RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/path/.+\.(jpg|png|gif)$
RewriteRule ^ - [R=410,L]

The first condition RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f checks if the the file doesn't exist. 第一个条件RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f检查文件是否不存在。 Since you want to redirect only 404 images to 410 this condition prevents your other existing files from being redirected to 410. The next condition RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/path/.+\\.(jpg|png|gif)$ checks if the uri is /path/image.ext if both conditions are met then the RewriteRule is applied. 由于您只想将404图像重定向到410因此此条件可防止将其他现有文件重定向到410。下一个条件RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/path/.+\\.(jpg|png|gif)$检查是否如果两个条件都满足,则uri为/path/image.ext ,然后应用RewriteRule

You can also use <filesMatch> and ErrorDocument directives to catch a 404 image file and then redirect it to a specific page but this will not return the correct error status. 您也可以使用<filesMatch>ErrorDocument指令来捕获404图像文件,然后将其重定向到特定页面,但这不会返回正确的错误状态。 You can use RewriteRule instead . 您可以改用RewriteRule

<filesMatch "\.(jpg|png|gif)$">

ErrorDocument 404 http://exmaple.com/410.php


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