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从特定表格填充表格 <li> 点击标签

[英]Populating a form from a specific <li> tag on click

I have a program that takes a users input and filters an API and returns the results in the form of a <li> tag. 我有一个程序,它接受用户输入并过滤API,并以<li>标记的形式返回结果。 The results from the API can be greater than 1,000 so I wanted the user to be able to click on a particular result and have that populate a <form> . API的结果可能大于1,000,因此我希望用户能够单击特定结果并填充<form>

Everything works fine except that if I have multiple results, then try and click on a specific <li> , my input tags populate with every value from every <li> on the page. 一切正常,除了如果我有多个结果,然后尝试单击特定的<li> ,我的input标签将填充页面上每个 <li> 每个值。 What am I missing? 我想念什么?

This is the <li> . 这是<li>

  <li class="populate">
    <span class="name" data-key="name">${place.Name}</span>
    <span class="address" data-key="address">${place.Address}</span> <span class="city" data-key="city">${place.City}</span> 
    <span class="state" data-key="state">${place.StateProvince}</span> 
    <span class="postal-code" datakey="postal-code">${place.PostalCode}</span>
    <span class="country" data-key="country">${place.Country}</span>
    <span class="dot-code" data-key="dot-code"><span class="highlight">${dotCode}</span></span>

This is the html where my <li> tags go. 这是我的<li>标记所在的html

<form class="search-form">
    <input type="text" class="search" placeholder="Plant name">
    <ul class="suggestions">
      <li>Results will show here</li>

This is the <form> I am populating. 这是我正在填充的<form>

  <form class="upload-form">
    <input type="text" class="form-two f_code" placeholder="DOT Code" name="dot-code">
    <input type="text" class="form-two f_plant" placeholder="Plant" name="name">
    <input type="text" class="form-two f-add1" placeholder="Address" name="address">
    <input type="text" class="form-two f_add4" placeholder="State" name="state">
    <input type="text" class="form-two f_city" placeholder="City" name="city">
    <input type="text" class="form-two f_zip" placeholder="Zip Code" name="postal-code">
    <input type="text" class="form-two f_cntry" placeholder="Country" name="country">

Finally, this is where I populate the <form> . 最后,这是我填充<form> After referencing the jQuery documentation, I thought .index() was a possible solution, however I'm not quite sure how to implement it, or if this is even an applicable scenario. 在引用jQuery文档之后,我认为.index()是一个可能的解决方案,但是我不太确定如何实现它,或者即使这是适用的情况。 I tried using .index() after .text() but I know this isn't valid. 我尝试在.text() .index()之后使用.index() ,但我知道这是无效的。

$('.suggestions li').click(function() {
  $('.upload-form').children().each(function() {
    let key = $(this).attr('name');
    let txt = $('.populate span[data-key="'+ key +'"]').text();


Some disclaimers: I've been programming for just over a year now and I've been programming professionally for around 2 months so I apologize if I'm missing some minor detail. 一些免责声明:我已经编程了一年多,而我已经从事专业编程大约2个月了,因此,如果我遗漏了一些小细节,我深表歉意。

$('.suggestions li').click(function() {
    //keep track of the li that was clicked
    var $li = $(this);

    $('.upload-form').children().each(function() {
        //this was doing a global lookup on the populate.
        //don't do this.  you already have your specific li
        //let txt = $('.populate span[data-key="'+ key +'"]').text();
        let txt = $li.find('span[data-key="'+ this.name +'"]').text();
        //or since the spans class matches the data-key you could use that
        let txt = $li.find('.'+ this.name).text();

        this.value = txt;

The part you are missing is the $(this) for the li that you clicked. 您缺少的部分是您单击的li的$(this)。 You could try something like this. 您可以尝试这样的事情。

$('.suggestions li').click(function() {
   $(this).children('span').each(function() {
      let key = $(this).attr('data-key');
      let txt = $(this).text();          

      $('.upload-form[name="' + key + '"]').val(txt);

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