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将Google App Engine网站与自定义域相关联

[英]Linking Google App Engine website with custom domain

I created a website on Google App Engine and successfully deployed it to some internal Google server (someprojectname.appspot.com). 我在Google App Engine上创建了一个网站,并将其成功部署到某些内部Google服务器(someprojectname.appspot.com)。

I bought a new domain from Marcaria.com (mydomain.com) and I want to make this my main website. 我从Marcaria.com(mydomain.com)购买了一个新域名,我希望以此为主要网站。

In Google App Engine, when I try to verify a new domain it gives me CNAME field to be added from where I bought the domain. 在Google App Engine中,当我尝试验证新域时,会给我CNAME字段,该字段将在我购买域的地方添加。

When I go to Marcaria and try to link, it ask me for Primary and Secondary names to be added. 当我去Marcaria并尝试链接时,它会问我要添加的主要和次要名称。 Any idea from where can I get this information for Google and how can I link my own website? 任何想法都可以从哪里获得有关Google的信息,以及如何链接自己的网站?

According to Marcaria site the primary and secondary default DNS servers are: 根据Marcaria网站 ,主要和辅助默认DNS服务器为:

DNS1: ns01.trademarkarea.com

DNS2: ns02.trademarkarea.com

Those names are implicitly given by them and there is no need to change them. 这些名称由它们隐式给出,因此无需更改它们。

To map your new custom domain to Google App Engine application you need to add the CNAME record provided by the domain verification process, to your registrar (in this case Macaria.com) 要将新的自定义域映射到Google App Engine应用程序,您需要域验证过程提供的CNAME记录添加到您的注册商(在本例中为Macaria.com)

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