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[英]How do I stub a method in an object that is loaded in my class/method under test?

Our MEANJS application has a class (Eg, CompanyService ) that loads an object (Eg, CompanyRepo ) of another class and calls a method on it. 我们的MEANJS应用程序具有一个类(Eg, CompanyService ),该类加载另一个类的对象(Eg, CompanyRepo )并在其上调用一个方法。 I am trying to write unit tests for the CompanyService class and would need to stub a method in the CompanyRepo method to simulate a promise rejection. 我正在尝试为CompanyService类编写单元测试,并且需要在CompanyRepo方法中存根方法以模拟承诺拒绝。 However, despite the stub, the CompanyService method call seems to call the actual CompanyRepo method call. 但是,尽管有存根,但CompanyService方法调用似乎调用了实际的CompanyRepo方法调用。

The code flow is as below, 代码流如下所示,

companyService method companyService方法

function isDomainExists(domain) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
                .then(function (company) {
                    return resolve(company);
                }, function(rejected) {
                    return reject("Error");
    } });

Unit test method 单元测试方法

var stub = sinon.stub(companyRepo,"getCompanyByDomain").rejects("error"); it('Should return company not registered if there is a DB error', function() {
    return companyService.isDomainExists("test company").should.eventually.be.rejected(); }); stub.restore();

Output 输出量

Company service isDomainExists method Should return company not registered if there is a DB error: AssertionError: expected promise to be rejected but it was fulfilled with { Object ($__, isNew, ...) } 公司服务isDomainExists方法如果出现数据库错误,应返回未注册的公司:AssertionError:期望的诺言将被拒绝,但已通过{Object($ __,isNew,...)}实现。

I think I can understand what is happening here. 我想我可以理解这里发生的事情。 The companyService class has a require statement that loads the companyRepo class which gets executed even before the stubbing happens. companyService类具有一个require语句,该语句将加载companyRepo类,该类甚至在存根发生之前就已执行。 Is there any method by which I can avoid this from happening? 有什么方法可以避免这种情况的发生? What is the recommended best practice in this case? 在这种情况下,建议的最佳做法是什么?

I couldn't get it to work properly with should, but did get this to work, see if it helps: 我无法使其正常使用,但确实可以正常工作,请查看是否有帮助:

companyService: companyService:

var companyRepo = require('./companyRepo');

function isDomainExists(domain) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            .then(function (company) {
                console.log('----in main resolve')
                return resolve(company);
            }, function (rejected) {
                console.log('----in error catch')
                // return reject(new Error('Errorx'));
                return reject('Error');

exports.isDomainExists = isDomainExists;

companyRepo 公司回购

exports.getCompanyByDomain = () => { 
    console.log('-----in real getCompanyByDomain');

    return Promise.resolve('resolve from real function');

Test 测试

it('Should return company not registered if there is a DB error', async function () {
    var stub = sinon.stub(companyRepo, "getCompanyByDomain").rejects("fake_error");

    await expect(companyService.isDomainExists("test company")).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith('Error');


It is rejecting with Error (and not fake_error) because your reject function sends 'Error' regardless. 它拒绝并带有错误(而不是fake_error),因为无论如何,拒绝函数都会发送“错误”。

Should sometimes acts funny, no idea why, also, try moving stub / resotre inside the test (or in beforeEach, afterEach). 有时应该表现得很滑稽,不知道为什么,还尝试在测试内部(或在beforeEach,afterEach中)移动存根/返回。

There was also a small typo in companyRepo definition. companyRepo定义中也有一个小的错字。

If nothing else works (i've seen this in some cases), try rewire to stub instead: 如果没有其他效果(在某些情况下我已经看到了),请尝试将其重新连接到存根:

var rewire = require('rewire')
//notice not using require here
var companyService = rewire('./companyService');

it('should stub', async () => {
    let fake = {
        getCompanyByDomain: () => {
            console.log('------rewired stub')
            return Promise.reject('rewired_error');

    companyService.__set__('companyRepo', fake);

    await expect(companyService.isDomainExists("test company")).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith('Error');
    companyService = rewire('./companyService');

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