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如何执行复杂的多个 if-then-else 正则表达式?

[英]How to do a complex multiple if-then-else regex?

I need to do a complex if-then-else with five preferential options.我需要用五个优先选项做一个复杂的 if-then-else。 Suppose I first want to match abc but if it's not matched then match ac , then if it's not matched def , then %#@ , then 1z;假设我首先想匹配abc但如果它不匹配则匹配ac ,然后如果它不匹配def ,然后%#@ ,然后1z; . .

Can I nest the if-thens or how else would it be accomplished?我可以嵌套 if-thens 或者它是如何完成的? I've never used if-thens before.我以前从未使用过 if-thens。

For instance, in the string 1z;%#@defarcabcaqcdef%#@1z;例如,在字符串1z;%#@defarcabcaqcdef%#@1z; I would like the output abc .我想要输出abc

In the string 1z;%#@defarcabaqcdef%#@1z;在字符串1z;%#@defarcabaqcdef%#@1z; I would like the output arc .我想要输出arc

In the string 1z;%#@defacabacdef%#@1z;在字符串1z;%#@defacabacdef%#@1z; I would like the output def .我想要输出def

In the string 1z;#@deacabacdf%#@1z;在字符串1z;#@deacabacdf%#@1z; I would like the output %#@ .我想要输出%#@

In the string foo;%@dfaabaef#@1z;barbbbaarr3 I would like the output 1z;在字符串foo;%@dfaabaef#@1z;barbbbaarr3我想要输出1z; . .

You need to force individual matching of each option and not put them together.您需要强制对每个选项进行单独匹配,而不是将它们放在一起。 Doing so as such: .*?(?:x|y|z) will match the first occurrence where any of the options are matched.这样做: .*?(?:x|y|z)将匹配任何选项匹配的第一次出现。 Using that regex against a string, ie abczx will return z because that's the first match it found.对字符串使用该正则表达式,即abczx将返回z因为这是它找到的第一个匹配项。 To force prioritization you need to combine the logic of .*?要强制确定优先级,您需要结合.*? and each option such that you get a regex resembling .*?x|.*?y|.*?z .和每个选项,这样你就会得到一个类似于.*?x|.*?y|.*?z的正则表达式。 It will try each option one by one until a match is found.它将一个一个地尝试每个选项,直到找到匹配项。 So if x doesn't exist, it'll continue to the next option, etc.所以如果x不存在,它会继续下一个选项,等等。

See regex in use here请参阅此处使用的正则表达式

  • (?m) Enables multiline mode so that ^ and $ match the start/end of each line (?m)启用多行模式,以便^$匹配每行的开始/结束
  • (?:.*?(?=abc)|.*?(?=ac)|.*?(?=def)|.*?(?=%#@)|.*?(?=1z;)) Match either of the following options (?:.*?(?=abc)|.*?(?=ac)|.*?(?=def)|.*?(?=%#@)|.*?(?=1z;))匹配以下任一选项
    • .*?(?=abc) Match any character any number of times, but as few as possible, ensuring what follows is abc literally .*?(?=abc)匹配任意字符任意次数,但尽可能少,确保后面的字符是abc
    • .*?(?=ac) Match any character any number of times, but as few as possible, ensuring what follows is a , any character, then c .*?(?=ac)匹配任意字符任意次数,但尽可能少,确保后面是a ,任意字符,然后是c
    • .*?(?=def) Match any character any number of times, but as few as possible, ensuring what follows is def literally .*?(?=def)匹配任意字符任意次数,但尽可能少,确保后面的内容是def字面意思
    • .*?(?=%#@) Match any character any number of times, but as few as possible, ensuring what follows is %#@ literally .*?(?=%#@)匹配任意字符任意次数,但尽可能少,确保后面的字符是%#@
    • .*?(?=1z;) Match any character any number of times, but as few as possible, ensuring what follows is 1z; .*?(?=1z;)匹配任意字符任意次数,但尽可能少,确保后面是1z; literally字面上地
  • (.{3}) Capture any character exactly 3 times into capture group 1 (.{3})任意字符准确捕获 3 次进入捕获组 1

If the options vary in length, you'll have to capture in different groups as seen here :如果选项的长度不同,则必须按不同的组进行捕获,如下所示


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