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在AWS Elastic Beanstalk上启用LDAP

[英]Enable LDAP on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

So I'm trying to use LDAP authentication to connect to our institution from an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment running PHP 7.1. 因此,我试图使用LDAP身份验证从运行PHP 7.1的AWS Elastic Beanstalk环境连接到我们的机构。

I haven't been able to find much about this topic on the internet, other than one post on their forum that had no answers. 除了在他们的论坛上没有答案的帖子之外,我在互联网上找不到更多关于此主题的信息。 However, from looking around, it seems like the best course of action would be to use a .ebextensions/.config file to enable the PHP LDAP extension in my environment. 但是,从环顾四周看,似乎最好的做法是使用.ebextensions / .config文件在我的环境中启用PHP LDAP扩展。

Here is my current file configuration: 这是我当前的文件配置:

/.ebextensions/phpini.config /.ebextensions/phpini.config

  "/etc/php.d/project.ini" :
    mode: "000644"
    owner: root
    group: root
    content: |
      extension = php_ldap.dll

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be affecting anything. 不幸的是,这似乎并没有影响任何事情。 So is enabling LDAP on an AWS EB environment even an option here? 那么,是否可以在AWS EB环境上启用LDAP? If so, what would I have to modify in order to enable this? 如果是这样,我必须进行哪些修改才能启用此功能?

Thanks in advance for any help and feel free to let me know if you need any other information! 在此先感谢您的帮助,如果您需要其他任何信息,请随时告诉我!

I ended up taking Aaron W. 's idea to install the extension as well as enabling it in the .config file and it ended up resolving my issue. 我最终接受了Aaron W.的想法来安装扩展,并在.config文件中启用了该扩展,最终解决了我的问题。

Here is the final script that I used in my Elastic Beanstalk environment to enable PHP LDAP. 这是我在Elastic Beanstalk环境中用来启用PHP LDAP的最终脚本。

      sudo yum -y install php71-ldap

  "/etc/php.d/project.ini" :
    mode: "000755"
    owner: root
    group: root
    content: |

If anyone has any suggestions to improve upon this script, feel free to comment or provide a different answer and I will modify this answer (or change the accepted answer if it fits). 如果有人对这个脚本有任何改进的建议,请随时发表评论或提供其他答案,我将修改此答案(或在适合时更改接受的答案)。

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