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[英]Virtuemart only add first products you add and the stop to add products

I use virtuemart 2.6.x, with joomla latest joomla 2 version. 我使用的是viejomart 2.6.x,以及最新的joomla 2版本。 When i add products to cart the first products i add, they added correctly but after some products i add it stop to add products. 当我将产品添加到购物车中时,我添加的第一个产品正确添加了,但是在我添加了某些产品之后,它停止添加产品。 I have tried different template and the same problem happend. 我尝试了不同的模板,并且发生了相同的问题。 I think it is a problem with server setting and related to cookies 我认为这与服务器设置有关,并且与Cookie有关

The get request generated but product not added to cart 生成了获取请求,但未将产品添加到购物车


If you think it's a server setting try it local, or if you're working local, upload it and you will see. 如果您认为这是服务器设置,请在本地尝试,或者在本地工作,将其上传,您会看到。 Have you recently updated Virtuemart? 您最近更新了Virtuemart吗? If yes, try to undo it, go back to the older version and see if it's working. 如果是,请尝试将其撤消,然后返回到较早的版本,然后查看其是否正常运行。 But I really suggest that you update to Joomla 3.8 and to the latest Virtuemart. 但我真的建议您将Joomla 3.8和最新的Virtuemart更新。

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