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如何在React Native中阻止子组件重新呈现父组件?

[英]How to stop a child component from re-rendering a parent component in react native?

I have a child component that is triggering it's parent component whenever it's clicked, which is not something that we want. 我有一个子组件,只要单击它,就会触发它的父组件,这不是我们想要的。 I commented out all of the setState()s within the child component because I assumed that was all that would be triggering the re-render of the parent component but then I discovered AsyncStorage.setItem() is also triggering the parent to re-render. 我注释掉了子组件中的所有setState(),因为我认为这将触发父组件的重新渲染,但随后我发现AsyncStorage.setItem()也触发了父组件的重新渲染。 Does anyone know of a way in react native to stop the child from being able to trigger the parent to re-render? 有谁知道一种反应本机的方法来阻止孩子触发父母重新渲染?

Here is the code from the child component which is apparently bubbling up to the parent component and triggering it to re-render: 以下是子组件中的代码,这些代码显然正在冒泡到父组件并触发其重新呈现:

minusOne = () => {
        total: this.state.total - 1
    this.setState({ total: this.state.total - 1 }, () => {
        this.props.dispatch(handleQuantityCounterValue(this.props.data.productId, this.state.total));

componentDidMount() {
    AsyncStorage.getItem(this.props.data.productId.toString()).then((resultCount) => {

        if (resultCount !== null) {
                total: parseInt(resultCount)
        } else  {
                total: 0

Here is the code from the action: 这是操作的代码:

export function handleQuantityCounterValue(productId, count) {
    return (dispatch, getState) => {
                type: types.HANDLE_QUANTITY_COUNTER

        AsyncStorage.setItem(productId.toString(), count.toString());


Ah, seems like it's happening because your parent component is subscribed to some piece of state that the handleQuantityCounterValue action updates. 嗯,似乎正在发生这种情况,因为您的父组件已订阅了handleQuantityCounterValue操作更新的某种状态。 If possible, you can remove that piece of state from your parent components mapStateToProps . 如果可能,您可以从父组件mapStateToProps删除该状态。

You can also use shouldComponentUpdate to determine if the parent should re-render or not: 您还可以使用shouldComponentUpdate来确定父级是否应该重新渲染:

shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
    return nextProps.field1 !== this.props.field1

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