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[英]How can i get the response value from card buttons using hero card

I'm building a chat bot for products. 我正在为产品构建聊天机器人。 I have a long list of products (each product display as card with the name only). 我的产品清单很长(每个产品都显示为带有名称的卡)。 I want the user to choose from the list which works fine but my issue is saving the data when the user is clicking on the product card. 我希望用户从工作正常的列表中进行选择,但是我的问题是当用户单击产品卡时保存数据。 I don't see the data, any idea? 我看不到数据,知道吗?

var inMemoryStorage = new builder.MemoryBotStorage();

var bot = new builder.UniversalBot(connector, function (session) {

}).set('storage', inMemoryStorage);


(session)  => {
    var card = new builder.HeroCard(session)
    .title('Hey there!')
    .subtitle("What would you like to buy?")
            builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "iPhone6-16GB", "iPhone6"),
            builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "iPhone6-32GB", "iPhone6"),
            builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "iPhone6-64GB", "iPhone6"),
            builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "iPhone6-128GB", "iPhone6"),
            builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "iPhone7-16GB", "iPhone6"),
            builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "iPhone7-32GB", "iPhone6"),
            builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "iPhone7-64GB", "iPhone6"),
            builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "iPhone7-128GB", "iPhone6"),

    var msg = new builder.Message(session)

).triggerAction({matches: /Help|Hi|hi|Hey|menu|Menu/g});

        // I'm trying to save the data
        var selectedIphone = results.response.entity // Sadly this does not store it, but this is what I'm trying to get
).triggerAction({matches: /iPhone/g});

You can just get the message text from the response with 'session.message.text'. 您可以使用“ session.message.text”从响应中获取消息文本。

        // I'm trying to save the data
        var selectedIphone = session.message.text;
).triggerAction({matches: /iPhone/g});

For a more universal solution, have a look at the middleware capabilities illustrated here: 有关更通用的解决方案,请查看此处说明的中间件功能:

https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/blob/master/Node/capability-middlewareLogging/app.js https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/blob/master/Node/capability-middlewareLogging/app.js

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