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Perceptron Javascript不一致

[英]Perceptron Javascript Inconsistencies

Building a basic Perceptron. 建立一个基本的感知器。 My results after training are very inconsistent, even after 1000's of epochs. 训练后的结果非常不一致,即使在1000年的时期之后也是如此。 The weights seem to adjust properly, however the model fails to accurately predict. 权重似乎适当调整,但模型无法准确预测。 A second pairs of eyes on the structure would be greatly appreciated, struggling to find where I went wrong. 在结构上的第二双眼睛将非常感激,努力找到我错误的地方。 The accuracy consistently tops out at 60%. 准确度始终高达60%。

 // Perceptron
class Perceptron {

    constructor (x_train, y_train, learn_rate= 0.1, epochs=10) {
            this.epochs = epochs
            this.x_train = x_train
            this.y_train = y_train
            this.learn_rate = learn_rate
            this.weights = new Array(x_train[0].length)

            // initialize random weights
            for ( let n = 0; n < x_train[0].length; n++ ) {
                    this.weights[n] = this.random()

    // generate random float between -1 and 1 (for generating weights)
    random () {
            return Math.random() * 2 - 1

    // activation function
    activation (n) {
            return n < 0 ? 0 : 1

    // y-hat output given an input tensor 
    predict (input) {
            let total = 0
            this.weights.forEach((w, index) => { total += input[index] * w }) // multiply each weight by each input vector value
            return this.activation(total)

    // training perceptron on data
    fit () {
            for ( let e = 0; e < this.epochs; e++) { // epochs loop
                    for ( let i = 0; i < this.x_train.length; i++ ) { // iterate over each training sample
                            let prediction = this.predict(this.x_train[i]) // predict sample output
                            console.log('Expected: ' + this.y_train[i] + '    Model Output: ' + prediction) // log expected vs predicted
                            let loss = this.y_train[i] - prediction // calculate loss
                            for ( let w = 0; w < this.weights.length; w++ ) { // loop weights for update
                                    this.weights[w] += loss * this.x_train[i][w] * this.learn_rate // update all weights to reduce loss

x = [[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
y = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0]

p = new Perceptron(x, y, epochs=5000, learn_rate=.1)

Updated: 更新:

// Perceptron
module.exports = class Perceptron {

constructor (x_train, y_train, epochs=1000, learn_rate= 0.1) {

    // used to generate percent accuracy
    this.accuracy = 0
    this.samples = 0
    this.x_train = x_train
    this.y_train = y_train
    this.epochs = epochs
    this.learn_rate = learn_rate
    this.weights = new Array(x_train[0].length)
    this.bias = 0

    // initialize random weights
    for ( let n = 0; n < x_train[0].length; n++ ) {
                    this.weights[n] = this.random()

// returns percent accuracy 
current_accuracy () {
    return this.accuracy/this.samples

// generate random float between -1 and 1 (for generating weights)
random () {
    return Math.random() * 2 - 1

// activation function
activation (n) {
    return n < 0 ? 0 : 1

// y-hat output given an input tensor 
predict (input) {
    let total = this.bias
    this.weights.forEach((w, index) => { total += input[index] * w }) // multiply each weight by each input vector value
    return this.activation(total)

// training perceptron on data
fit () {
    // epochs loop
    for ( let e = 0; e < this.epochs; e++) { 

        // for each training sample
        for ( let i = 0; i < this.x_train.length; i++ ) { 

            // get prediction
            let prediction = this.predict(this.x_train[i]) 
            console.log('Expected: ' + this.y_train[i] + '    Model Output: ' + prediction) 

            // update accuracy measures
            this.y_train[i] === prediction ? this.accuracy += 1 : this.accuracy -= 1

            // calculate loss
            let loss = this.y_train[i] - prediction

            // update all weights
            for ( let w = 0; w < this.weights.length; w++ ) { 
                this.weights[w] += loss * this.x_train[i][w] * this.learn_rate

            this.bias += loss * this.learn_rate

        // accuracy post epoch

It's just a syntactic error :) 这只是一个语法错误:)

Switch the order of the last two parameters, like this: 切换最后两个参数的顺序,如下所示:

p = new Perceptron(x, y, learn_rate=.1, epochs=5000)

And now everything should work fine. 现在一切都应该工作正常。

However, a more serious problem lies in your implementation: 但是,更严重的问题在于您的实施:

You forgot the bias 你忘记了偏见

With a perceptron you're trying to learn a linear function, something of the form of 使用感知器,您正在尝试学习线性函数,这是一种形式的函数

y = wx + b y = wx + b

but what you're currently computing is just 但你目前正在计算的只是

y = wx y = wx

This is fine if what you're trying to learn is just the identity function of a single input, like in your case. 如果您要学习的内容只是单个输入的标识功能(例如您的情况),那么这很好。 But it fails to work as soon as you start doing something slightly more complex like trying to learn the AND function, which can be represented like this: 但是一旦你开始做一些稍微复杂的事情就像试图学习AND函数一样,它就无法工作,它可以表示如下:

y = x1 + x2 - 1.5 y = x1 + x2 - 1.5

How to fix? 怎么修?

Really easy, just initialise this.bias = 0 in the constructor. 真的很简单,只需在构造函数中初始化this.bias = 0 Then, in predict() , you initialise let total = this.bias and, in fit() , add this.bias += loss * this.learn_rate right after the inner-most loop. 然后,在predict() ,初始化let total = this.bias并在fit() ,在最内层循环之后添加this.bias += loss * this.learn_rate

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