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Kivy ScreenManager不切换屏幕

[英]Kivy ScreenManager does not switch screens

i am a newbie to both python and kivy. 我是python和kivy的新手。 I have been trying to develop a simple Pong game with Python. 我一直在尝试用Python开发一个简单的Pong游戏。 Everything was going well until i tried to put together a Menu. 一切都进行得很好,直到我尝试整理一个菜单。 I used ScreenManager to try to navigate through the two screens. 我使用ScreenManager尝试浏览两个屏幕。 But when i press the button, nothing happens. 但是当我按下按钮时,什么也没发生。 Every answer or idea is well appreciated! 每个答案或想法都非常感谢!

Here is my .py code: 这是我的.py代码:

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.properties import NumericProperty, 
from kivy.vector import Vector
from kivy.clock import Clock
import pygame 
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.lang import Builder

class Menu(GridLayout,Screen):

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    super(Menu, self).__init__(**kwargs)

class PongSpadi(Widget):
stig = NumericProperty(0)

def skoppa_bolti(self, bolti):
    if self.collide_widget(bolti):
        vx, vy = bolti.velocity
        offset = (bolti.center_y - self.center_y) / (self.height / 2)
        skoppadur = Vector(-1 * vx, vy)
        vel = skoppadur
        bolti.velocity = vel.x, vel.y + offset

class PongBolti(Widget):
velocity_x = NumericProperty(0)
velocity_y = NumericProperty(100)
velocity = ReferenceListProperty(velocity_x, velocity_y)

def move(self):
    self.pos = Vector(*self.velocity) + self.pos 

class PongGame(Screen, Widget):
bolti = ObjectProperty(None)
spilari1 = ObjectProperty(None)
spilari2 = ObjectProperty(None)
h1 = NumericProperty(310)
h2 = NumericProperty(310)

def serve_bolti(self, vel=(12, 6)):

    self.bolti.center = self.center #Staðsetur boltann í miðjuna
    self.bolti.velocity = vel

def update(self, dt): 

    self.spilari1.skoppa_bolti(self.bolti) #skoppar bolta af spöðum

    if (self.bolti.y < 0) or (self.bolti.top > self.height):
            self.bolti.velocity_y *= -1 #Lætur boltan skoppa ef hann snertir vegginn uppi/niðri

    if self.bolti.x <self.x: 
        self.spilari2.stig += 1 #skráir stig ef bolti fer í hliðarnar
        self.serve_bolti(vel= (12,6)) #byrjar nýtt uppkast    
    if self.bolti.x > self.width:
        self.spilari1.stig += 1
        self.serve_bolti(vel = (-12,6))

    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()  #Takka stjórnun fyrir leikmann 1
    if self.h1 < 567: #Bannar spaða 1 að fara of hátt
        if self.h1 > 25: #Bannar spaða 1 að fara of látt
            if keys[pygame.K_z]: #býr til takka fyrir spaða 1
                self.h1 -= 10
            elif keys[pygame.K_a]:
                self.h1 += 10
        if self.h1 >= 567: #ýtir honum til baka ef farið er of hátt
            self.h1 -= 10
        if self.h1 <= 25: #ýtir honum til baka ef farið er of látt
            self.h1 += 10

    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() #takka stjórnun fyrir leikmann 2
    if self.h2 < 567:   
        if self.h2 > 25:
            if keys[pygame.K_m]:
                self.h2 -= 10
            elif keys[pygame.K_k]:
                self.h2 += 10
        if self.h2 >= 567: #ýtir honum til baka ef farið er of hátt
            self.h2 -= 10
        if self.h2 <= 25: #ýtir honum til baka ef farið er of látt
            self.h2 += 10

sm = ScreenManager()

class PongApp(App): #ræsir forritið
title = "Menu"
def build(self):    #kallar á eiginleika leiksins
    sm = Menu()
    return sm

    sm = PongGame()
    sm.serve_bolti()   #kallar á uppkast boltans
    Clock.schedule_interval(sm.update, 1.0 / 60) #Lætur leikinn uppfærast 60 sinnum á sekúndu.
    return sm

if __name__ == '__main__':

And here is my .kv code: 这是我的.kv代码:

#: kivy 1.9.1


    name: 'menu'

    on_press: app.root.current = 'ponggame'
    on_press: print("virkar")
    text: "Manneskja á móti manneskju"
    font_size: 20
    center_x: root.width / 2
    top: root.top / 1.5
    size: 275, 50

Label: #nafn á leik
    font_size: 100
    center_x: root.width / 2
    top: root.top - 50
    text: 'Pong og Gervigreind'

    font_size: 20
    center_x: root.width / 2
    top: root.top -120
    text: 'Lokaverkefni eftir Hróbjart Höskuldsson vor 2018'

size: 20, 20
        pos: self.pos
        size: self.size

size: 23, 100

name: 'ponggame'

bolti: pong_bolti
spilari1: spilari_vinstri
spilari2: spilari_haegri

        pos: self.center_x - 5, 0
        size: 3, self.height

Label:  # staða leikmanns 1
    font_size: 70  
    center_x: root.width / 4
    top: root.top - 50
    text: str(root.spilari1.stig)

Label:  # staða leikmanns 2
    font_size: 70  
    center_x: root.width * 3 / 4
    top: root.top - 50
    text: str(root.spilari2.stig)

    id: pong_bolti
    center: self.parent.center

    id: spilari_vinstri
    x: root.x + 30
    center_y: root.h1

    id: spilari_haegri
    x: root.width-self.width - 30
    center_y: root.h2

    on_release: app.root.current = 'menu'
    on_press: print("virkar")
    text: "Manneskja á móti manneskju"
    font_size: 20
    center_x: root.width / 2
    top: root.top / 1.5
    size: 275, 50    

This is not a complete answer, but some ideas to get you moving: 这不是一个完整的答案,但是有一些想法可以帮助您:

  1. Your build() method should return a ScreenManager . 您的build()方法应返回ScreenManager I think it should look something like this: 我认为应该看起来像这样:

     def build(self): #kallar á eiginleika leiksins sm = ScreenManager() sm.add_widget(Menu()) sm.add_widget(PongGame()) return sm 
  2. Your PongGame does not need to extend Widget ( Screen is a Widget) 您的PongGame不需要扩展WidgetScreen是Widget)

  3. Your Menu class does not need to extend both Screen and GridLayout . 您的Menu类不需要同时扩展ScreenGridLayout Just use a GridLayout in your Menu like this: 只需在Menu使用GridLayout ,如下所示:

     <Menu> name: 'menu' GridLayout: rows: 3 Button: on_press: app.root.current = 'ponggame' on_press: print("virkar") text: "Manneskja á móti manneskju" font_size: 20 center_x: root.width / 2 top: root.top / 1.5 size: 275, 50 Label: #nafn á leik font_size: 100 center_x: root.width / 2 top: root.top - 50 text: 'Pong og Gervigreind' Label: font_size: 20 center_x: root.width / 2 top: root.top -120 text: 'Lokaverkefni eftir Hróbjart Höskuldsson vor 2018' 
  4. You have code in your build() method that looks like it might be starting the game. 您的build()方法中有代码看起来像是在开始游戏。 I think that might be better in the on_enter() method of PongGame . 我认为这可能是更好的on_enter()的方法PongGame

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