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docker-compose 忽略 DOCKER_HOST

[英]docker-compose ignores DOCKER_HOST

I am attempting to run 3 Docker images, MySQL, Redis and a project of mine on Bash for Windows (WSL).我正在尝试在 Bash for Windows (WSL) 上运行 3 个 Docker 映像、MySQL、Redis 和我的一个项目。

To do that I have to connect to the Docker engine running on Windows, specifically on tcp://locahost:2375 .为此,我必须连接到在 Windows 上运行的 Docker 引擎,特别是在tcp://locahost:2375 I have appended the following line to .bashrc :我已将以下行附加到.bashrc

export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://

I can successfully run docker commands like docker ps or docker run hello-world but whenever I cd into my project directory and run sudo docker-compose up --build to load the images and spin up the containers I get an error:我可以成功运行诸如docker psdocker run hello-world类的docker命令,但是每当我cd进入我的项目目录并运行sudo docker-compose up --build以加载图像并启动容器时,我都会收到错误消息:

ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localunixsocket - is it running?错误:无法连接到 http+docker://localunixsocket 上的 Docker 守护进程 - 它正在运行吗?

If it's at a non-standard location, specify the URL with the DOCKER_HOST environment variable.如果它位于非标准位置,请使用 DOCKER_HOST 环境变量指定 URL。

I know that if I use the -H argument I can supply the address but I'd rather find a more permanent solution.我知道如果我使用-H参数,我可以提供地址,但我宁愿找到一个更永久的解决方案。 For some reason docker-compose seems to ignore the DOCKER_HOST environmental variable and I can't figure out why..出于某种原因, DOCKER_HOST docker-compose似乎忽略了DOCKER_HOST环境变量,我不知道为什么..

Your problem is sudo .你的问题是sudo It's a totally different program than your shell and doesn't transfer the exported environment unless you specifically tell it to.它是一个与您的 shell 完全不同的程序,除非您明确告诉它,否则它不会传输导出的环境。 You can either add the following line in your /etc/sudoers (or /etc/sudoers.d/docker ):您可以在/etc/sudoers (或/etc/sudoers.d/docker )中添加以下行:

Defaults env_keep += DOCKER_HOST

Or you can just pass it directly to the command line:或者您可以直接将其传递给命令行:

sudo DOCKER_HOST=$DOCKER_HOST docker-compose up --build 

By set DOCKER_HOST you tell for every run of docker in command line to use http api , instead of default - socket on localhost.通过设置DOCKER_HOST您告诉命令行中每次运行DOCKER_HOST使用http api ,而不是默认 - 本地主机上的套接字

By default http api is not turned on默认情况下, http api未打开

$ sudo cat /lib/systemd/system/docker.service | grep ExecStart
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock

you can add -H tcp:// for tern on http api on localhost but usually you want to tern on api for remote servers by -H tcp:// (do it only with proper firewall)您可以添加-H tcp://的燕鸥在HTTP API在本地主机上的API,但通常要鸥由远程服务器-H tcp:// (仅在适当的做防火墙)

so you need to change in /lib/systemd/system/docker.service to next line所以你需要将/lib/systemd/system/docker.service更改为下一行

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H tcp:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock

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