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[英]Play 2.6: get response body in custom http action

A while ago, I asked how to get the body from a Result in Play 2.5.0 Java. 前一段时间,我问如何从Play 2.5.0 Java的Result中获取主体。

The answer was basically to use play.core.j.JavaResultExtractor . 答案基本上是使用play.core.j.JavaResultExtractor I am now upgrading to 2.6, and JavaResultExtractor no longer exists (or at least is not public). 我现在升级到2.6,并且JavaResultExtractor不再存在(或至少不是公共的)。

How does one do this in Play 2.6? 如何在Play 2.6中做到这一点?

I did find Result.body().consumeData which seems like it might work, but also comes with the worrisome warning: 我确实找到了Result.body().consumeData ,它似乎可以正常工作,但同时也带来了令人担忧的警告:

This method should be used carefully, since if the source represents an ephemeral stream, then the entity may not be usable after this method is invoked. 应谨慎使用此方法,因为如果源表示短暂的流,则在调用此方法后该实体可能不可用。

I suppose that, since I am doing this in an action, I could call consumeData to get all of the data into a local variable, process that and then return a new result with the stored data. 我想,由于我是在一个操作中执行此操作的,因此可以调用consumpData将所有数据放入局部变量中,进行处理,然后使用存储的数据返回新结果。 That only fails in the case where the data is too big to fit into memory, which is not something I am currently expecting. 这仅在数据太大而无法放入内存的情况下才失败,这不是我目前所期望的。

In in Play 2.6 it is still possible to re-implement 2.5 functionality. 在Play 2.6中,仍然可以重新实现2.5功能。 Please have a look at the example that get Json body from Result: 请看一下从Result获取Json正文的示例:

public static JsonNode resultToJsonNode(final Result result, final long timeout, final Materializer mat)
    throws Exception {
    FiniteDuration finiteDuration = Duration.create(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    byte[] body = Await.result(
        FutureConverters.toScala(result.body().consumeData(mat)), finiteDuration).toArray();
    ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
    final ObjectReader reader = om.reader();

    return reader.readTree(new ByteArrayInputStream(body));

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