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[英]How to Select JObject in C#

I Have Json Like this 我有这样的杰森

    "operation": {
        "result": {
            "message": "Request Details fetched successfully",
            "status": "Success"
        "Details": [
                "Name" : "Ezio",
                "NOTIFICATION STATUS": "OKOC",

                "Name" : "Altair",
                "NOTIFICATION STATUS": "OKOC",


and at first i want to convert this json into csv file but it says json cant start from Object and need to be array, as can you see i need to get rid of operation so i will get Details Only. 首先,我想将此json转换为csv文件,但它说json不能从Object开始并且需要为数组,如您所见,我需要摆脱操作,因此我将仅获得Details。

            var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
  JObject Line2 = JObject.Parse(responseString);
            JArray array = (JArray)Line2["Details"];

so i tried with that code above but it shows error message Object reference not set to an of an Object "array was null" so its look like i didnt get anything from array because its null? 所以我尝试了上面的代码,但是显示错误消息Object reference not set to an of an Object "array was null"因此它看起来像我没有从数组中得到任何东西,因为它为空? anyone can help me here thanks 任何人都可以在这里帮助我,谢谢

As @ruhul mentioned in his comment I was able to retrive Details using following code: 正如@ruhul在他的评论中提到的,我能够使用以下代码检索Details

JArray array = (JArray)line2["operation"]["Details"];

With the following JSON: 使用以下JSON:

  "operation": {
    "result": {
      "message": "Request Details fetched successfully",
      "status": "Success"
    "Details": [
        "Name": "Ezio",
        "Name": "Altair",

Output: 输出:


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