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[英]How to uninstall Redash

My current installation of Redash is somehow corrupted (installing it in a new PC worked fine so I know my local copy is broken), and I want to basically remove it fully and install it again. 我当前的Redash安装已以某种方式损坏(将其安装在新PC上工作正常,所以我知道本地副本已损坏),我希望基本上完全删除它并重新安装。

I cannot find any documentation of how to uninstall it, 我找不到任何有关如何卸载它的文档,

  • I don't find it installed as a service 我找不到将其安装为服务
  • I don't find it installed as a application 我找不到将其安装为应用程序

So how do I reinstall it??? 那么我该如何重新安装呢???

Deleting the redash installation folder will uninstall the redash but if your installation executable is damaged then reinstalling it again alone might not help. 删除redash安装文件夹将卸载redash,但是如果您的安装可执行文件已损坏,则仅重新安装一次可能无济于事。

Check if you have any errors with your supervisor demon: 检查您的主管恶魔是否有任何错误:

This supervisor demon is automatically started on port number 9001 on your local machine. 该主管恶魔会自动在本地计算机上的端口9001上启动。

Go to and see if all the services/workers are up. 转到http:// ,查看所有服务/工作人员是否启动。

If there are any errors post back the log here. 如果有任何错误,请在此处发布日志。

Check if redash has created dir - /opt/redash/, Remove it if exists. 检查redash是否已创建dir-/ opt / redash /,如果存在则将其删除。 Run this bash for re-install - https://github.com/getredash/redash/blob/master/setup/ubuntu/bootstrap.sh 运行此bash重新安装-https: //github.com/getredash/redash/blob/master/setup/ubuntu/bootstrap.sh

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