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[英]Angular - Subscribe to changes in child components with @ViewChildren

I have these children components 我有这些孩子组件

<app-organization-item *ngFor="let organization of rows" [organization]="organization"></app-organization-item>

Inside this components, I have multiple select boxes with multiple values. 在此组件内部,我有多个带有多个值的选择框。

Something like this: 像这样:

<div class="col-xs-12" *ngIf='availableOrganizations.length > 0'>
<select [ngModel]="organization" (ngModelChange)="onChange($event)" [compareWith]="compareFn">
<option *ngFor="let org of availableOrganizations" [ngValue]='org' id="{{org.organization_id}}">{{org.name}}</option>

And: 和:

onChange(value) { this.organization = value; }

How can I get the values of all the components inside the parent component? 如何获取父组件中所有组件的值? (without using @Output). (不使用@Output)。

Using @ViewChildren inside the parent component won't work: 在父组件中使用@ViewChildren无效:

@ViewChildren(OrganizationItemComponent) components: QueryList<OrganizationItemComponent>


ngAfterViewInit() {
     this.components.changes.subscribe(() => {
       this.stuff = this.components.toArray();

Nothing will show up when I change the select box inside de children component. 当我更改de children组件内的选择框时,什么都不会显示。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

You can use service to set the communication between them. 您可以使用服务来设置它们之间的通信。

import { Injectable, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
export interface OrderElement {
   index: number,
   item: any


export class OrganizationsService {
   organizations: OrderElement[] = [];
   organizationsStream = new Subject();
     ) {

     setNewValue(itemIndex, object) {
         let i = this.organizations.findIndex(element => element.index === itemIndex)
           if(i >= 0 ) {
             this.organizations[i].item = object;
           } else {
              this.organizations.push({index: itemIndex, item: object, oldValue: undefined})
     getStream() {
        return Observable.from(organizationsStream).startWith(organizations);


In constructor parent: 在构造函数parent中:

   private organizationsService: OrganizationsService
  ) {
     this.organizationsService.getStream().subscribe(element => {

       //You got all value


In template set: 在模板集中:

<app-organization-item *ngFor="let organization of rows; index as i;" [organization]="organization" [serviceToCall]="organizationsService" [index]="i"></app-organization-item>

In OrganizationItemComponent set: 在OrganizationItemComponent中设置:

 @Input() public serviceToCall;
 @Input() public index: number;

 onChange(value) { 
   this.organization = value; 
   this.serviceToCall.setNewValue(index, value);

Remember to unsubscribe Observable and set provider for service. 请记住退订Observable并设置服务提供者。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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