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在没有 Resgen 的情况下生成卫星程序集

[英]Generating Satellite assemblies without Resgen

We have a process where we generate satellite assemblies with resx files in them.我们有一个过程,在其中生成带有 resx 文件的卫星程序集。 The process relies on Resgen to be present on the system.该过程依赖于系统上存在的 Resgen。 Is there another way of doing it?还有另一种方法吗? This way it is working, but doesn't look elegant because of this dependency.这样它就可以工作,但由于这种依赖性,它看起来并不优雅。

Reason we want to make it look elegant and less dependent is that we want to run this process on server.我们想让它看起来优雅和更少依赖的原因是我们想在服务器上运行这个进程。

Despite the lack of clarity over exactly what the problem is, I'm going to take a long shot, based on these phrases in the question: "less dependent" and "we want to run this process on server".尽管不清楚问题到底是什么,但基于问题中的这些短语:“较少依赖”和“我们希望在服务器上运行此过程”,我将进行长期尝试。

I'm guessing that the server being mentioned is the build server and I'm guessing that the concern about dependency relates to Visual Studio, and not wanting to have to install it on the build server due to licensing issues.我猜想提到的服务器是构建服务器,我猜对依赖项的关注与 Visual Studio 相关,并且由于许可问题不想将它安装在构建服务器上。

You can avoid the dependency on Visual Studio because ResGen is part of the Windows SDK, which can be installed separately, and run from the command line.您可以避免对 Visual Studio 的依赖,因为 ResGen 是 Windows SDK 的一部分,可以单独安装并从命令行运行。 More details 更多细节

If I'm not right, maybe the OP can clarify the question...如果我说得不对,也许 OP 可以澄清这个问题......

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