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删除文件中的前 n 行(带有许多“奇怪”符号的 .zip 文件)

[英]Delete first n lines in file (.zip file with many "strange" symbols)

This powershell code delete first 4 lines in file此 powershell 代码删除文件中的前 4 行

(gc "old.zip" | select -Skip 4) | sc "new.zip"

But old.zip file has Unix (LF) line endings但是old.zip文件有Unix (LF)行结尾

And this code also converts file line endings to Windows (CR LF)并且此代码还将文件行结尾转换为Windows (CR LF)

How to delete first 4 lines without converting ?如何在不转换的情况下删除前 4 行?

Because of the presence of many "strange" symbols in .zip , other ways to remove the first n lines in a .zip file do not work.由于.zip 中存在许多“奇怪”符号,因此删除 .zip 文件中前 n 行的其他方法不起作用。 For example, more than +4 "old.zip"> "new.zip" in cmd does not work, etc.例如, cmdmore than +4 "old.zip"> "new.zip"不起作用等。

Through powershell something like it is removed but also not without problems.通过powershell,类似的东西被删除了,但也不是没有问题。

Do you know other ways to remove the first n lines in a .zip file ?您知道删除.zip文件中前 n 行的其他方法吗?

somthing like this?像这样的东西?


#create temporary directory name
$TemporyDir=[System.IO.Path]::Combine("c:\temp", [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())

#extract archive into temporary directory
Expand-Archive "c:\temp\File_1.zip" -DestinationPath $TemporyDir

#loop file for remove 4 first lines for every files and compress in new archive
Get-ChildItem $TemporyDir -file | %{

    (Get-Content $_.FullName | select -Skip 4) | Set-Content -Path $_.FullName;
    Compress-Archive $_.FullName $NewPathZipFile -Update


Remove-Item  $TemporyDir -Recurse -Force


(gc "old.txt" | select -Skip 4 | Out-String) -replace "`r`n", "`n" | Out-File "new.txt"

C#: C#:

File.WriteAllText("new.txt", string.Join("\n", File.ReadLines("old.txt").Skip(4)));

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