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[英]creating python package with multiple level of folders

I would like to create a package of my python code. 我想创建一个python代码包。 My folder structure is like below: 我的文件夹结构如下:

sing*(this is a folder)*
--ml*(this is a folder)*
----regression*(this is a folder)*
------linear.py*(this is a class file with functions in it)* 
----classification*(this is a folder)*
------logistic.py*(this is a class file with functions in it)* 

i want to access class within linear.py by something like: 我想通过以下方式访问linear.py中的类:

from sing.ml.regression import linear

Please advice how to create a package like this 请建议如何创建这样的包

thanks in advance 提前致谢



And if the working directory of application is not parent folder of sing then you need to register folder 'sing' into PYTHONPATH environment variable. 并且,如果应用程序的工作目录不是sing的父文件夹,那么您需要将文件夹sing注册到PYTHONPATH环境变量中。

For importing linear from sing folder you can use relative path: 要从sing文件夹导入线性 ,可以使用相对路径:

from ml.regression import linear

and for calling function of linear file you can use: 对于线性文件的调用功能,您可以使用:


You need to add a __init__.py files in every folder, so that python interpret the other *.py files (and folder) as packages. 您需要在每个文件夹中添加__init__.py文件,以便python将其他* .py文件(和文件夹)解释为包。 A empty file is enough. 一个空文件就足够了。

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