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使用 VBA 将 VBA 模块从 Access 项目导出到 Excel 项目

[英]Export a VBA module from an Access project to an Excel project using VBA

I've been tasked with creating a VBA based system that will allow me to insert department specific documentation comment codes into a VBA based program and then later extract these later date.The program does this by temporarily inserting 2 VBA modules into the target project and then running the contained functions.我的任务是创建一个基于 VBA 的系统,该系统允许我将部门特定的文档注释代码插入到基于 VBA 的程序中,然后稍后提取这些代码。该程序通过将 2 个 VBA 模块临时插入目标项目中来实现这一点,然后运行包含的函数。 This on it's own functions properly and the comments are inserted/extracted using VBA.这本身就可以正常运行,并且使用 VBA 插入/提取注释。

However I find myself at a loss for inserting the modules into an excel based project from my access based insertion project.但是,我发现自己无法将模块从基于访问的插入项目插入到基于 excel 的项目中。 I've been importing the module to the targeted access project using this function:我一直在使用此功能将模块导入目标访问项目:

Public Function InsertVADER(strTestPath As String, ProgramType As String) As Boolean
'//Insert VADER into the target program
On Error GoTo errjordan

Dim obj As AccessObject '//Create instance of Access Application object.

If ProgramType = "Access" Then

    ''//Transfer Modules to target project.

    For Each obj In CurrentProject.AllModules
       DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", strTestPath, acModule, obj.Name, obj.Name & "_TMP", False
    Next obj

    '//Set and open target project
    Set appAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
    appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strTestPath, False

    '//SEt to visible. If the project has an auto exec that will usurp this project. You will
    appAccess.Visible = True

    '//Open the vader module. If there is an auto run macro this will cause it to show
    appAccess.DoCmd.OpenModule ("VADER_TMP")
ElseIf ProgramType = "Excel" Then
    '//Run Excel routine
    For Each obj In CurrentProject.AllModules
       'DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Excel", strTestPath, acModule, obj.Name, obj.Name & "_TMP", False

    Next obj

End If

'//Indicate function sucess
InsertVADER = True


If Err.Number = 2501 Then
    MsgBox "Project cannot be locked for viewing. Please unlock and save project before using this tool"
    InsertVADER = False
ElseIf Err.Number = 29045 Or Err.Number = 7866 Then
    MsgBox "This file is not compatible with VADER. Please convert the project to a useable format before using this tool."
    InsertVADER = False
    Err.Raise Err.Number
End If

End Function

StrtestPath passes the file path of the target project and programtype specifies what kind of project I've selected. StrtestPath 传递目标项目的文件路径,programtype 指定我选择的项目类型。 Both are set in an external project.两者都设置在外部项目中。

Is there a VBA based solution that will allow me to:是否有基于 VBA 的解决方案可以让我:

  1. Import the modules defined by the CurrentProject.allModules into the targeted Excel project from access将CurrentProject.allModules定义的模块从access导入到目标Excel项目中
    1. Remove the modules from the target Excel Project once run运行后从目标 Excel 项目中删除模块

Thanks to the link provided by in the comment @chrisneilsen I have come up with a solution that accomplishes what we have set out to do.感谢@chrisneilsen 评论中提供的链接,我想出了一个解决方案来完成我们的计划。 The solution is to create a module that is blank in the excel project and then import the VBE lines located in the access module to this new excel module as a string.解决方法是在excel项目中创建一个空白的模块,然后将位于access模块​​中的VBE行作为字符串导入到这个新的excel模块中。

Here's a snippet of the code in case anyone else runs into this:这是代码片段,以防其他人遇到此问题:

Dim vbProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim codemod As VBIDE.CodeModule

Public Function InsertVADER(strTargetPath As String, ProgramType As String, strRunFunction As String) As Boolean
if programtype = "Excel" then
    '//Run Excel routine. This version is slightly more complex as the module cannot be transfered from Access to excel as a singluar object

    '//Create an instance of an Excel application object
    Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    '//Open the target workbook
    appExcel.workbooks.Open (strTargetPath)
    appExcel.Visible = True

    '//If there is an on load item for excel then it will need
    Set vbProj = appExcel.ActiveWorkbook.VBProject

RetryEX:        '//If the project is locked you will exit the error capture here for excel

    Debug.Print appExcel.VBE.VBProjects(1).VBComponents.Count

    '//Add modules to the excel project
    Set VBComp = vbProj.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
        VBComp.Name = "VADER_TMP"

    Set VBComp = vbProj.VBComponents("VADER_TMP")
    Set codemod = VBComp.CodeModule

    '//Capture the code in the VADER modules located in this project
    Dim strVADER As String

    LoopCount = 1
    lngLineCount = 1
    Do Until lngLineCount > Application.VBE.VBProjects(1).VBComponents("VADER").CodeModule.CountOfLines
        strVADER = strVADER & Application.VBE.VBProjects(1).VBComponents("VADER").CodeModule.Lines(lngLineCount, 1) & vbNewLine

        lngLineCount = lngLineCount + 1

    '//Insert the captured VADER code into the Excel module
    codemod.InsertLines 1, strVADER

    '//Do the same thing with runVADER
    Set VBComp = vbProj.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
        VBComp.Name = "runVADER_TMP"

    Set VBComp = vbProj.VBComponents("runVADER_TMP")
    Set codemod = VBComp.CodeModule

    strVADER = vbNullString
    LoopCount = 1
    lngLineCount = 1
    Do Until lngLineCount > Application.VBE.VBProjects(1).VBComponents("runVADER").CodeModule.CountOfLines
        strVADER = strVADER & Application.VBE.VBProjects(1).VBComponents("runVADER").CodeModule.Lines(lngLineCount, 1) & vbNewLine

        lngLineCount = lngLineCount + 1

    codemod.InsertLines 1, strVADER

    '//Call the function
    appExcel.Run strRunFunction

End If

'//Indicate function sucess
InsertVADER = True


'//Captured error

If Err.Number = 2501 Then
    '//An access project locked for viewing
    MsgBox "Project cannot be locked for viewing. Please unlock the project and then press OK."
    Resume Next

ElseIf Err.Number = 50289 Then
    '//An excel document locked for viewing
    MsgBox "Workbook cannot be locked for viewing. Please unlock the project and then press OK."
    GoTo RetryEX

ElseIf Err.Number = 29045 Or Err.Number = 7866 Then
    '//Not excel or access
    MsgBox "This file is not compatible with VADER. Please convert the project to a useable format before using this tool."
    '//Some other error!
    Err.Raise Err.Number
End If

InsertVADER = False '//If I'm here pass a failure code

End Function

Removal remains very similar to that of access:移除与访问非常相似:

Public Function RemoveVADER(strTargetPath As String, ProgramType As String)
'//Remove VADER from the project
    '//Target path is not used in the function but has been left in in case of future issues/expandability

If ProgramType = "Access" Then
    Set vbcom = appAccess.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
    vbcom.Remove VBComponent:=vbcom.Item("VADER_TMP")
    vbcom.Remove VBComponent:=vbcom.Item("runVADER_TMP")

    '//Close the target program and save changes
    appAccess.Quit acQuitSaveAll

ElseIf ProgramType = "Excel" Then
    Set vbProj = appExcel.ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
    Set VBComp = vbProj.VBComponents("VADER_TMP")
    vbProj.VBComponents.Remove VBComp
    Set VBComp = vbProj.VBComponents("runVADER_TMP")
    vbProj.VBComponents.Remove VBComp

    '//Close the target program and save changes
End If

End Function

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