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我不知道我在使用 getDay() 时做错了什么

[英]I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with getDay()

I wanted the page to detect if it was Thursday, and if it was display some text.我希望页面能够检测今天是否是星期四,以及是否显示一些文本。 I don't understand why this won't work.我不明白为什么这行不通。 Is it because I can do = on a if than?是因为我可以在 if 上做 = 吗? Please explain, thank you!请解释一下,谢谢!

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <p id="demo"></p>
    <p id="bleh"></p>

    var day;
    switch (new Date().getDay()) {
        case 0:
            day = "Sunday";
        case 1:
            day = "Monday";
        case 2:
            day = "Tuesday";
        case 3:
            day = "Wednesday";
        case 4:
            day = "Thursday";
        case 5:
            day = "Friday";
        case  6:
            day = "Saturday";
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Today is " + day;

   <p id="bleh"></p>

function myFunction() {
    if(new Date().getDay() == 4)
        document.getElementById("bleh").innerHTML = "Check your grades.";


The part thats not working is this one:不起作用的部分是这个:

function myFunction() {
    if(new Date().getDay() == 4)
        document.getElementById("bleh").innerHTML = "Check your grades.";

PS I would use OnTime, but I am host my webpage off of github pages so I can't load it on there, this is why I'm working with this type of JS. PS 我会使用 OnTime,但我将我的网页托管在 github 页面之外,所以我无法在那里加载它,这就是我使用这种类型的 JS 的原因。

if (day = 4;) {

Notice the single = where you should be using == or === .请注意您应该使用=====的单个= Also remove the semicolon:还要去掉分号:

if (day === 4) {

Also , as pointed out in the comments, you should be checking the day as a string, since that's what you set it to!此外,正如评论中所指出的,您应该将日期作为字符串检查,因为这就是您设置的内容!

if (day === "Thursday") {

would not it be better to store your day names in an array like this将您的日期名称存储在这样的数组中不是更好吗

var days = [

function getCurrentDayName (dayIndex) {
  return days[dayIndex];

console.log(getCurrentDayName (new Date ().getDay()))

You can get the name of day much easier like this:您可以像这样更轻松地获取日期名称:

 let today = new Date() demo.innerHTML = `Today is ${new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', {weekday: 'long'}) .format(today)}`; let toDay = today.getDay() bleh.innerHTML = toDay === 4 ? 'Check your grades.' : `Not Thursday. Come back in ${(11 - toDay) % 7} days to re-check.`
 <p id="demo"></p> <p id="bleh"></p>


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