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[英]The '__proto__' property is deprecated with standard js

How to change the this.constructor.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype as per the standard js rules. 如何按照标准js规则更改this.constructor.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype Standard Js is throwing The '__proto__' property is deprecated . 标准Js抛出The '__proto__' property is deprecated So what will be correct solution for the same. 那么什么是相同的正确解决方案。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

If you want to achieve (Prototypal) Inheritance, you can link the two objects as follows: 如果要实现(原型)继承,可以按如下所示链接两个对象:

this.constructor.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)

Although many browsers have supported the usage of __proto__ as means of accessing the internal [[Prototype]] of an object, it has only been standardised in ES6 and its usage is still frowned upon. 尽管许多浏览器都支持使用__proto__作为访问对象内部[[Prototype]]的手段,但它仅在ES6中进行了标准化,其使用方式仍然受到质疑。

Similar effect can be achieved by using ES6's Object.setPrototypeOf(..) . 通过使用ES6的Object.setPrototypeOf(..)可以实现类似的效果。

Consult this for more information. 请参阅以获取更多信息。

Hope this helps! 希望这可以帮助!

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