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[英]How do I call a batch file from a batch file without creating a new window?

I need to process some audio files. 我需要处理一些音频文件。 Each file must go through multiple sequential steps, for which I've written a batch file. 每个文件必须经过多个顺序的步骤,为此我编写了一个批处理文件。 But I want all the files in the folder to be processed in parallel, for speed. 但是我希望并行处理文件夹中的所有文件,以提高速度。 So I've written another batch file which calls the first, in a loop. 因此,我编写了另一个批处理文件,该文件在循环中调用了第一个。 But when I do that, I end up with multiple command windows, which stay open even when the batch file has closed. 但是,当我这样做时,最终会遇到多个命令窗口,即使该批处理文件已关闭,它们仍保持打开状态。

In order of preference, how can I either (a) not have the windows open at all, or (b) have the windows minimised then close when finished; 按照优先顺序,我如何(a)完全不打开窗口,或者(b)最小化窗口,然后在完成时关闭;或者 or (c) have the windows open then close when finished. 或(c)打开窗户,然后关闭窗户。

for %%I in (*.mp3) DO (
    start convert-mp3-to-m4b.bat "%%I"

I've managed to achieve (c), with start cmd /c convert-mp3-to-m4b.bat "%%I" /B , but that was more by luck than judgement. 我已经成功实现了(c), start cmd /c convert-mp3-to-m4b.bat "%%I" /B ,但是运气比判断start cmd /c convert-mp3-to-m4b.bat "%%I" /B

With the help of @Stephan I've ended up with this: 在@Stephan的帮助下,我得到了以下结果:

for %%Z in (*.mp3) DO (
    start "converting-audio" /min cmd /c convert-mp3-to-m4b.bat "%%Z"

This starts the windows minimised, and closes them after processing. 这将最小化启动窗口,并在处理后将其关闭。 I was also glad of the max <n> trick, although I had to adapt the code a bit. 我也为max <n>技巧感到高兴,尽管我不得不稍微修改一下代码。 In case it's helpful to anyone else, my script now looks like this: 如果对其他人有帮助,我的脚本现在看起来像这样:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set count=0
set max=4
for %%Z in (*.mp3) DO (
    call :loop
    start "converting-audio" /min cmd /c convert-mp3-to-m4b.bat "%%Z"

goto :eof    

for /f "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%G IN (`tasklist /fi "windowtitle eq converting-audio" ^| find "cmd.exe" /C`) do ( SET "count=%%G" )
if !count! GEQ !max! call :loop

This processes the files four at a time, and works brilliantly. 这样可以一次处理四个文件,并且效果出色。

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