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[英]R: Add title to Leaflet map

I'd like to add a title to the whole map (different from the legend title: addLegend(..., title = "", ...) : by "title", I mean an overlaid map component that stays in place while the map is moved (unlike an overlaid image) 我想为整个地图添加一个标题(与图例标题不同: addLegend(...,title =“”,...) :“title”,我的意思是一个保留在原位的重叠地图组件移动地图时(与重叠图像不同) 地图标题的样子 .

Is that an option in RStudio's leaflet for R? 这是RStudio的R 传单中的一个选项吗?

leafletR has a title="" argument but it updates the title of the webpage: it does not add a title to the map. leafletR有一个title =“”参数,但它更新了网页的标题:它没有为地图添加标题。

You should provide a reproducible example. 您应该提供可重现的示例。 But using addControl you could try: 但是使用addControl你可以尝试:


 rr <- tags$div(
   HTML('<a href="https://cran.r-project.org/"> <img border="0" alt="ImageTitle" src="/PathToImage/ImageR.jpeg" width="300" height="100"> </a>')

 map_leaflet <- leaflet() %>%
   addTiles() %>%
   addMarkers(50, 50) %>%
   addControl(rr, position = "bottomleft")

 saveWidget(map_leaflet, file="testing.html")

Open testing.html saved in your working directory and you will see an image (just create an image with Map Title in it) over your map. 打开testing.html保存在您的工作目录中,您将在地图上看到一个图像(只是在其中创建一个带有地图标题的图像)。 It is not center you can only put the control on the four corners. 它不是中心,你只能将控制放在四个角上。 Hope it helps! 希望能帮助到你!

@MLavoie's idea is correct, but I was looking for something more specific like this: @ MLavoie的想法是正确的,但我正在寻找更具体的东西:

tag.map.title <- tags$style(HTML("
  .leaflet-control.map-title { 
    transform: translate(-50%,20%);
    position: fixed !important;
    left: 50%;
    text-align: center;
    padding-left: 10px; 
    padding-right: 10px; 
    background: rgba(255,255,255,0.75);
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 28px;

title <- tags$div(
  tag.map.title, HTML("Map title")

map_leaflet <- leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  addControl(title, position = "topleft", className="map-title")

This will center the leaflet-control title as shown in the screenshot and place it at the top. 这将使leaflet-control标题居中,如屏幕截图所示,并将其置于顶部。

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