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Angular 4:从另一个组件调用AppComponent方法

[英]Angular 4 : Call AppComponent Method from Another Component

I have a logout bouton in shared page, but i want to call logout method after clicked. 我在共享页面中有注销按钮,但单击后要调用注销方法。 the implementation of my logout function is in app.comoponent.ts 我的注销功能的实现在app.comoponent.ts中

can anyone help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

You need to make use of Shared service here. 您需要在此处使用共享服务。 Have your method implemented in a shared service and call the method from your login and shared component. 在共享服务中实现您的方法,然后从您的登录和共享组件中调用该方法。

There are couple solutions to this question. 这个问题有几种解决方案。

1.) You have to follow this steps: 1.)您必须遵循以下步骤:

  1. Create a service. 创建服务。
  2. Create a BuheviorSubject(or ReplaySubject) RXJS in service. 在服务中创建BuheviorSubject(或ReplaySubject)RXJS。
  3. In component B on event use next method in Subject (from service). 在事件的组件B中,使用Subject(来自服务)中的下一个方法。
  4. Subscribe in App component (on Subject from service) to it and do what you want. 在应用程序组件中订阅(服务主题),然后执行所需的操作。

2.) You have to follow this steps and Correct one: 2.)您必须按照以下步骤操作并更正一个:

  1. Create a service. 创建服务。
  2. Do all http request and so on in service. 在服务中执行所有http请求等等。


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