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[英]Update Input field value with javascript

I am trying to build a javascript function that will update an input field every second with a new number. 我正在尝试构建一个javascript函数,该函数将每秒用一个新数字更新输入字段。 This is essentially what I'm hoping my function can do, and hopefully someone can give me a pointer about what I'm doing wrong. 从本质上讲,这就是我希望函数可以完成的工作,希望有人可以给我一些有关我做错了什么的指针。

   var myVar = setInterval(function(){ getNumber() }, 1000);

   function getNumber() {
     var x = round(microtime(true) * 1000);;
     document.getElementById("displaynum").value = x;


<input type="text" id="displaynum">

Couple of issues you have: 您遇到的几个问题:

  • Closing bracket for the function 该功能的闭合支架
  • It is Math.round() and not just round() 它是Math.round() ,而不仅仅是round()
  • What is microtime() ? 什么是microtime() I have replaced it with Math.random() to generate a random number. 我已将其替换为Math.random()以生成一个随机数。

 var myVar = setInterval(function() { getNumber() }, 1000); function getNumber() { var ts = new Date().getTime(); var x = Math.round(ts*Math.random()); document.getElementById("displaynum").value = x; } 
 <input type="text" id="displaynum"> 

Update: 更新:

Use new Date().getTime() to get the current time stamp and couple it with Math.random() to get a random number with least probability to get repeated. 使用new Date().getTime()获取当前时间戳,并将其与Math.random()耦合以获取随机数,其重复概率最小。

Your approach is correct, but you have some issue with your code such as an undefined function microtime . 您的方法是正确的,但是您的代码存在一些问题,例如未定义的函数microtime

I've replaced microtime with a simple counter for the purpose of the example: 就示例而言,我已经用一个简单的计数器代替了microtime

 var increment = getNumber(); var input = document.getElementById('displaynum'); var myVar = setInterval(function() { input.value = increment(); }, 1000); function getNumber() { var x = 0; return function() { return x++; } } 
 <input id="displaynum" type="text" /> 

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