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[英]memory allocation in C for pointers

I'm trying to build a structure called PROCESS in C, this struct should contain the ID(id) and waiting time (wt) of the process. 我正在尝试在C中构建一个称为PROCESS的结构,该结构应包含该进程的ID(id)和等待时间(wt)。

typedef struct PROC{
    int id;
    int wt;


Now I want to make more then one instance of this struct like an array. 现在,我要制作此结构的一个以上实例,如数组。 what I want to do is something like this': 我想做的是这样的:

PROCESS pt[10];
pt[0].id = 5;
pt[1].id = 7;

But I want to do it using dynamic memory allocation: 但是我想使用动态内存分配来做到这一点:

pt = calloc(2,sizeof(PROCESS));

pt[0]->id = 5;

What is my mistake? 我怎么了

pt is a pointer to PROCESS , pt[0] is the first PROCESS object pointed to by pt . pt是一个指向PROCESSpt[0]是第一PROCESS对象通过指向pt The -> operator to access members of a struct must be used with pointers only, otherwise use . 用于访问结构成员的->运算符必须仅与指针一起使用,否则使用.

pt[0].id = 5;

would be correct. 是正确的。 1 1个

An since you say you are doing C, you don't need to cast malloc or calloc . An因为您说您正在执行C, 所以不需要calloc转换malloccalloc

PROCESS *pt = calloc(2, sizeof *pt);
if(pt == NULL)
    // errror handling
    // do not continue

pt[0].id = 5;
pt[1].id = 7;

Also don't forget to check the return value of calloc and don't forget to free the memory later with free(pt); 同样不要忘记检查calloc的返回值,也不要忘记稍后使用free(pt);释放内存free(pt); .

Fotenotes 脚注

1 Note that this would be equivalent to 1请注意,这等同于

pt->id = 5;

but if you want to set id of the second element, you would need to do 但是如果您要设置第二个元素的id ,则需要

(pt+1)->id = 7;

but I think it's more readable to do 但我认为这样做更具可读性

pt[1].id = 7;
typedef struct process{
    int id;
    int wt;

I would allocate like this-> 我会这样分配->

int numberOfDynamicStructs=2;

processes* myProcesses= calloc(numberOfDynamicStructs,sizeof(processes));

Write-> 写->


Read-> 阅读->

printf("%d %d",myProcesses[0].id,myProcesses[1].id);

Free when done.. 完成后免费。

/A /一种

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