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使用'basename -s'从bash中的路径中提取文件名

[英]Extracting filename from path in bash using 'basename -s'

Can anyone explain the following code: 任何人都可以解释以下代码:

for var in $1\*.html
    echo $( basename -s .html $var )

What does -s do? -s做什么的? Does it strip off the .html from each filename? 它会从每个文件名中删除.html吗?

The -s suffix option means that basename removes the suffix from the filename, if present. -s suffix选项表示basename从文件basename删除后缀(如果存在)。

For example: 例如:

basename "$file"          => yields file.html
basename -s .html "$file" => yields file
basename -s  html "$file" => yields file.
basename -s .txt  "$file" => yields file.html since the string has no .txt extension

Not sure why you have $1\\*.html in your for loop - that suppresses the glob expansion and just yields the file that has a literal *.html in it. 不知道为什么在for循环中有$1\\*.html -抑制了全局扩展,只产生了带有文字*.html的文件。

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