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[英]Is it possible to do a subversion checkin with a specific version number?

An existing svn repo got damaged in a way I couldn't repair, so I started a new one. 现有的svn存储库以无法修复的方式损坏,所以我开始了一个新的。 But, of course, the numbers of the new revisions start at 1, which is getting in the way of some other record-keeping about my project that use the revision numbers. 但是,当然,新修订版本的编号从1开始,这妨碍了其他有关使用修订版本编号的项目记录的保存。 I'd like to keep the new repo going, but with the revision numbers pushed forward to follow on from where the old repo left off. 我想继续使用新的存储库,但是修订版本号会从旧的存储库停止的地方继续推送。

I haven't found any clues about how to do this in the "svn commit" docs, and I suppose there are good reasons for why this would not be allowed. 我没有在“ svn commit”文档中找到任何有关如何执行此操作的线索,并且我认为有充分的理由说明为什么不允许这样做。 But I'd still find it handy; 但是我仍然会觉得方便。 any advice? 有什么建议吗?

Where are your backups of the repository? 您的存储库备份在哪里? That should at least get you restored to close to the right place. 至少应该使您恢复到正确的位置。

The svn revision number is a running count of the number of times the repository has been modified - just a counter of how many times someone has successfully executed svn commit against it. svn修订版号是存储库被修改次数的运行计数-只是一个人成功对它执行svn commit次数的计数器。

You cannot force svn to start revisions at a particular number. 您不能强制svn以特定编号开始修订。 Your best option is to commit "dummy" changes to the repository repeatedly until you reach the number you need. 最好的选择是重复将“虚拟”更改提交到存储库,直到达到所需数量为止。

No significance should be placed in this number for purposes beyond referencing the repository itself. 除了引用存储库本身之外,不应将任何意义放在此数字中。 Timestamps are usually more valid for record-keeping, or creating your own release versioning scheme. 时间戳通常对于记录保存或创建自己的发行版本控制方案更为有效。

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