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[英]Using a Loop to add varying parameters to an SQL Query

So, I am trying to using conditional statements and check boxes on a form in c# to conditionally build a MySQL SQL query. 因此,我试图在C#中的表单上使用条件语句和复选框来有条件地构建MySQL SQL查询。 I don't see many topics on it so either I am doing something wrong (quite possible), or I am missing something simple. 我看不到很多话题,所以我做错了(很可能),或者我错过了一些简单的事情。 Either way, I have hit a wall and could use some help. 无论哪种方式,我都碰壁了,可以使用一些帮助。

Here is the scenario: I am trying to make a search form in c# for my MySQL database, and depending upon which options the user selects depends on how granular the search is. 这是场景:我正在尝试在c#中为我的MySQL数据库创建一个搜索表单,并且取决于用户选择的选项取决于搜索的粒度。

So basically it looks like this: 所以基本上看起来像这样:

/*Obviously sanitized
  the variable areas*/
string exportQuery = "SELECT * FROM `/*Schema*/`.`/*Table*/` WHERE `/*PK*/`=";
List<string> parameters = new List<string>();
List<string> fields = new List<string>();
List<string> placeholders = new List<string>();
DataTable exportTemp;
int v = 0;

and at each point below that, it goes through a check like this: 并在其下的每个点进行如下检查:

 if (/*ACheckBox*/.Checked == true)
     /*String variable I initialized earlier*/ = DateTimePickerOnForm.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
     parameters.Add(/*String variable I initialized earlier*/);
     fields.Add("AND `/*FieldX*/`=@/*FieldVar*/ ");

and at the end it counts them all up and starts adding: 最后,它们全部累加并开始添加:

 if (v > 0)
     //Build the custom Query
     foreach (string s in fields)
         exportQuery += s;
     //tack on the closing semicolon
     exportQuery += ";";
     using (MySqlCommand data = new MySqlCommand(exportQuery, Program.conn))
         for (int f = 0; f < v; f++)
             data.Parameters.AddWithValue("\"" + placeholders[f] + "\"", parameters[f]);
         //Datatable prep
         exportTemp = Program.FillTable(data);/*this runs the query through the database*/

However, I am getting undefined variable errors back (eg "field1 must be defined"). 但是,我又收到了未定义的变量错误(例如,“必须定义field1”)。 Now some quick notes for clarification. 现在,一些简短的说明需要澄清。

• Where its throwing the error is in the first variable added with the loop. •引发错误的地方是循环添加的第一个变量。

• All areas where I just put a comment are sanitized, but when its used again I repeat the comment name. •我刚刚发表评论的所有区域均已清除,但再次使用时,我会重复评论名称。

• If I shouldn't be using this method, I am open to other methods. •如果我不应该使用此方法,则可以使用其他方法。

Edit: • the first parameter I am trying to pass is a string the snippet of a datetime area was chosen for its simplicity to demonstrate my methodology. 编辑:•我要传递的第一个参数是一个字符串,为便于说明我的方法,选择了日期时间区域的代码段。

Any help is appreciated, obviously trying to sanitize my inputs, but I am not sure what I am doing wrong. 感谢您提供任何帮助,显然是要清理输入内容,但我不确定自己做错了什么。

Change: 更改:

data.Parameters.AddWithValue("\"" + placeholders[f] + "\"", parameters[f]);

to: 至:

data.Parameters.AddWithValue(placeholders[f], parameters[f]);

placeholders[f] contains @/*FieldVar*/ , which is the parameter name that AddWithValue is expecting. placeholders[f]包含@/*FieldVar*/ ,这是AddWithValue期望的参数名称。 If you surround it with extra double quotes, you end up trying to use a parameter named "@/*FieldVar*/" , which doesn't match your SQL query and causes the "field1 must be defined" error. 如果用多余的双引号引起来,则最终将尝试使用名为"@/*FieldVar*/"的参数,该参数与SQL查询不匹配,并导致“必须定义field1”错误。

If you have a column of DATE or DATETIME in the MySQL table, you must pass a parameter value of System.DateTime type, not a string with a formatted date. 如果MySQL表中有DATE或DATETIME列,则必须传递System.DateTime类型的参数值,而不是带有格式化日期的字符串。

List<object> parameters = new List<object>();
parameters.Add(fieldVar, DateTimePickerOnForm.Value);

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