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[英]vaadin - cannot open java files (eclipse)

We installed the Vaadin designer 2 but we cannot open our java files where the UI is located. 我们安装了Vaadin designer 2但无法打开UI所在的java文件。

Error: 错误:

Vaadin Designer only supports HTML files.

If I would like to open html file then I got this error message: 如果我想打开html文件,则会收到以下错误消息:

org.eclipse.ui.internal.ErrorEditorPart cannot be cast to com.vaadin.designer2.eclipse.editors.VaadinEditor

Here is the answer: 答案是:

Vaadin Designer 2 can open HTML files but only those that follow Vaadin Framework's declarative format. Vaadin Designer 2可以打开HTML文件,但只能打开遵循Vaadin Framework声明性格式的文件。 Java files can't be opened in Designer. 无法在Designer中打开Java文件。

You can create a Designer compatible HTML file by creating a new "Vaadin 8 Design" file from Eclipse's new File menu. 您可以通过从Eclipse的新“文件”菜单创建新的“ Vaadin 8 Design”文件来创建与Designer兼容的HTML文件。 Please follow the steps in the documentation: https://vaadin.com/docs/v8/designer/designer-getting-started.html 请按照文档中的步骤进行操作: https : //vaadin.com/docs/v8/designer/designer-getting-started.html

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