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如何在Talend Open Studio上设置类路径

[英]How to set classpath on Talend Open Studio

I've created a routine that depends on Apache HTTP Components , so I've downloaded the jar files and added those files to the Build Path. 我创建了一个依赖于Apache HTTP Components的例程,因此我下载了jar文件并将这些文件添加到Build Path中。

I've set up both Classpath Variables and User Libraries under Java\\Build Path , but it still doesn't work. 我已经在Java \\ Build Path下设置了Classpath变量User Libraries ,但是仍然无法使用。

My code compile without any errors, but it fails to run with the following exception: 我的代码编译没有任何错误,但是由于以下异常而无法运行:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/client/RedirectStrategy
    at routines.downloadXls.start(downloadXls.java:10)

The piece of Java code is the following, it runs with Eclipse: 以下是Java代码,它与Eclipse一起运行:

private CloseableHttpClient createHttpClient() {
        HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClientBuilder.create();
        httpCtx.setAttribute(HttpClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, store);
        return builder.setRedirectStrategy(LaxRedirectStrategy.INSTANCE).build();

I've already seen a similar question on talend community , but it didn't help me. 我已经在talend社区上看到了类似的问题 ,但这并没有帮助我。

Any suggestion, please? 有什么建议吗?

Thanks 谢谢

You need to add your jar(s) in your Talend job using tLibraryLoad component (one per jar). 您需要使用tLibraryLoad组件(每个jar一个)在您的Talend作业中tLibraryLoad jar。

Code using apache components

When you build your job, the jars will be bundled with it and added to your classpath (in .bat and .sh launchers). 在创建作业时,罐子将与它捆绑在一起并添加到您的类路径中(在.bat和.sh启动器中)。
I noticed you're setting a cookie in your code, maybe if you give more detail about your requirement I can recommend a solution using dedicated Talend components, as it's best to use native components whenever possible (or you can ask a separate question). 我注意到您在代码中设置了cookie,也许如果您提供有关需求的更多信息,我可以推荐使用专用Talend组件的解决方案,因为最好是尽可能使用本机组件(或者您可以提出一个单独的问题)。

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