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Angular 5 - HTTPClient + Observable +显示数据

[英]Angular 5 - HTTPClient + Observable + Displaying Data

I am trying to access data from an WP Rest API that I have created that returns sample data . 我正在尝试从我创建的返回示例数据的WP Rest API访问数据

I am trying to then access the array of data either via an iterator or just by something like data[0] . 我试图通过迭代器或像data[0]类的东西访问数据数组。

I'm very new to Angular, and particularly to Angular 5. 我是Angular的新手,尤其是Angular 5。

I have a model: 我有一个模特:

export class Tool {
  id: string;
  acf: object;

  constructor(id: string, acf: object) {
    this.id = id;
    this.acf = acf;

A service that hits the API: 遇到API的服务:

    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
    import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';

    import { Tool } from 'app/models/tool';
    import { environment } from 'environments/environment';

    export class ToolsService {
      constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

      getAll(): Observable<Tool[]> {
        return this.http.get(<myUrl>)

And then a component: 然后是一个组件:

    import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
    import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';

    import { Tool } from 'app/models/tool';
    import { ToolsService } from 'app/services/tools.service';

      selector: 'app-tools-documentation',
      templateUrl: './tools-documentation.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./tools-documentation.component.scss'],
      providers: [ToolsService]
    export class ToolsDocumentationComponent implements OnInit {
      tools$: Observable<Tool[]>;

      constructor(private toolsService: ToolsService) {}

      ngOnInit() {
        this.tools$ = this.toolsService.getAll()

I'm able to display the $tools on the page via something like: <pre>{{tools$ | async | json}}</pre> 我可以通过以下内容在页面上显示$ tools: <pre>{{tools$ | async | json}}</pre> <pre>{{tools$ | async | json}}</pre>

But if I try to iterate over it (or access individual elements), I get errors around the types not matching or the Observable not actually being an array. 但是如果我尝试迭代它(或访问单个元素),我会遇到不匹配的类型或Observable实际上不是数组的错误。 How do I properly format this to access this data and iterate over it in the view? 如何正确格式化以访问此数据并在视图中迭代它? Every answer I find seems to use the old Angular 4 way of doing things and doesn't use HTTPClient. 我找到的每个答案似乎都使​​用旧的Angular 4做事方式而不使用HTTPClient。

The problem does not lie in whether you use Http or HttpClient . 问题不在于你是否使用HttpHttpClient

To unwrap observables and loop through it: <div *ngFor="let tool of tools$ | async"> {{tool.id}}</div> 要展开observable并循环遍历它: <div *ngFor="let tool of tools$ | async"> {{tool.id}}</div>

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