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从 Firestore 获取文档时的错误处理

[英]Error handling when getting document from Firestore

In Angular 5 with FireStore and angularfire2, what is the correct way to handle errors when getting a document from a service via a controller?在带有 FireStore 和 angularfire2 的 Angular 5 中,通过控制器从服务获取文档时处理错误的正确方法是什么?


getInviteById( inviteId: string ): Promise<any> {    

    // get requested invite from firestore  
    var inviteDocument = this.afs.collection( 'invites' ).doc( inviteId );
    let invite = inviteDocument.ref.get().then( doc => {

        // if document exists
        if (doc.exists) {

            // return id and data
            const id = doc.id; 
            var data = doc.data() as any;
            return { id, ...data };

        // if document does not exist
        } else {
            console.log("Error: No such document!");

            // WHAT DO I NEED TO RETURN HERE???

    // if other error
    }).catch(function(error) {
        console.log("Error: Getting document:", error);                            


    // return invite
    return invite;


this.inviteService.getInviteById( inviteId )
    .then( resolve => {
        this.invite = resolve;
    .catch( err => {
            // THIS NEVER GETS CALLED !
            console.log("INVITE-COMPONENT: Cannot get invite for this id." );

All works well IF a document with the invite-id exists in FireStore.如果 FireStore 中存在具有邀请 ID 的文档,则一切正常。 However, if there is no document for the invite id in FireStore, then the service will log "Error: No such document," (as expected), BUT the component will not go into its own catch case.但是,如果 FireStore 中没有邀请 ID 的文档,则服务将记录“错误:没有此类文档”(如预期的那样),但组件不会进入其自己的catch案例。

How can I process the "no such document" error in my component , so that I can modify my UI accordingly?我如何处理我的组件中的“没有这样的文档”错误,以便我可以相应地修改我的 UI?

You can return a rejected promise but it's simpler to throw .您可以返回一个被拒绝的承诺,但throw更简单。

So, straightforwardly, you might write:所以,直截了当地说,你可以这样写:

getInviteById(inviteId: string): Promise<any> {
    var inviteDocument = this.afs.collection('invites').doc(inviteId);
    return inviteDocument.ref.get()
    .then(doc => {
        if (doc.exists) { // if document exists ...
            const id = doc.id;
            var data = doc.data() as any;
            return {id, ...data}; // ... return id and data.
        } else { // if document does not exist ...
            throw new Error('No such document!'); // ... throw an Error.
    .catch(error => {
        throw new Error('Error: Getting document:'); // throw an Error

HOWEVER, the inner throw would be immediately caught by the outer .catch() and the 'No such document:' error message would be lost in favour of 'Error: Getting document.'.但是,内部throw将立即被外部.catch()捕获,并且“No such document:”错误消息将丢失,取而代之的是“Error: Getting document.”。

That loss can be avoided by adjusting the overall pattern as follows:可以通过如下调整整体模式来避免这种损失:

getInviteById(inviteId: string): Promise<any> {
    var inviteDocument = this.afs.collection('invites').doc(inviteId);
    return inviteDocument.ref.get()
    .catch(error => { // .catch() error arising from inviteDocument.ref.get()
        throw new Error('Error: Getting document:');
    .then(doc => {
        if (doc.exists) {
            const id = doc.id;
            var data = doc.data() as any;
            return {id, ...data};
        } else {
            throw new Error('No such document!'); // can now be caught only by getInviteById's caller

HOWEVER, even that isn't yet correct because the possibilities exist that:但是,即使这样还不正确,因为存在以下可能性:

  1. this.afs.collection('invites').doc(inviteId) might return null , in which case an error should be thrown. this.afs.collection('invites').doc(inviteId)可能返回null ,在这种情况下应该抛出错误。
  2. this.afs.collection('invites').doc(inviteId) or inviteDocument.ref.get() might throw synchronously . this.afs.collection('invites').doc(inviteId)inviteDocument.ref.get()可能会同步抛出。

In either case, the caller has a right to expect a promise-returning function always to throw asynchronously regardless of how/where the error arose.在任何一种情况下,调用者都有权期望返回 promise 的函数始终异步抛出错误,而不管错误是如何/在何处出现的。

That artifact can be overcome by ensuring var inviteDocument = this.afs.collection('invites').doc(inviteId);这个工件可以通过确保var inviteDocument = this.afs.collection('invites').doc(inviteId);来克服。 and inviteDocument.ref.get() are executed from inside the promise chain and the null case is handled appropriately, as follows:inviteDocument.ref.get()从 promise 链内部执行,并且null情况得到适当处理,如下所示:

getInviteById(inviteId: string): Promise<any> {
    return Promise.resolve() // neutral starter promise 
    .then(() => {
        var inviteDocument = this.afs.collection('invites').doc(inviteId); // now executed inside promise chain
        if(inviteDocument) {
            return inviteDocument.ref.get(); // now executed inside promise chain.
        } else {
            throw new Error(); // no point setting an error message here as it will be overridden below.
    .catch(error => {
        throw new Error('Error: Getting document:');
    .then(doc => {
        if (doc.exists) {
            const id = doc.id;
            var data = doc.data() as any;
            return {id, ...data};
        } else {
            throw new Error('No such document!');

The caller (your controller) will catch and log any error arising from getInviteById() :调用者(您的控制器)将捕获并记录由getInviteById()引起的任何错误:

.then(result => { // better not to name the variable `resolve`
    this.invite = result;
.catch(err => {
    console.log("INVITE-COMPONENT: Cannot get invite for this id: " + error.message);


  1. console.log() is unnecessary inside getInviteById() (except possibly while debugging). console.log()getInviteById() ) 中是不必要的(调试时可能除外)。 The caller's .catch() will do all the necessary logging.调用者的.catch()将执行所有必要的日志记录。

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