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[英]How to debug Firebase Cloud Messaging?

I've sent a message to Google Firebase server.我已经向 Google Firebase 服务器发送了一条消息。 Got success response with message_id , but no notifications on my phone.使用message_id获得success响应,但我的手机上没有通知。 Is there a place on UI or CLI where I can put message_id and get status of message or some error message? UI 或 CLI 上是否有一个地方可以放置message_id并获取消息状态或某些错误消息?

Got success response with message_id, but no notifications on my phone.收到带有 message_id 的成功响应,但我的手机上没有通知。

“Success Response” from FCM just means FCM got your request, and will send it.来自 FCM 的“成功响应”只是意味着 FCM 收到了您的请求,并将发送它。 It does not mean the message successfully delivered to the target device.这并不意味着消息已成功传递到目标设备。 However, it is possible that a message could be delayed, or even dropped, during this delivery.但是,在此传递过程中,消息可能会延迟甚至丢失。


  1. Messages can be delayed or dropped if the device is not connected to the.network.如果设备未连接到网络,消息可能会延迟或丢失。
  2. Messages can also be delayed if the connected device is in doze mode and your app's standby bucket is not high enough to wake up the device .如果连接的设备处于休眠模式并且您的应用程序的待机桶不足以唤醒设备,则消息也可能会延迟。
  3. ... ...

In terms of tools to help you debug, FCM provides three sets of tools to help you get insight into message delivery:在帮助您调试的工具方面,FCM 提供了三组工具来帮助您深入了解消息传递:

  1. Firebase console message delivery reports(Go to Firebase Console -> Messaging -> Reports) Firebase console message delivery reports(Go to Firebase Console -> Messaging -> Reports)

  2. Aggregated Android SDK delivery metrics from the Firebase Cloud Messaging Data API 聚合 Android SDK 来自 Firebase 云消息数据的交付指标API

  3. Comprehensive data export to Google BigQuery, where you can run sql queries in Google BigQuery to gain insights about the message delivery.全面的数据导出到 Google BigQuery,您可以在 Google BigQuery 中运行 sql 次查询以深入了解消息传递。 link 关联

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