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[英]How do I find a random object within a list inside of a dictionary?

I'm working on doing hangman and have simplified my code for the sake of the question. 我正在做hangman,为了这个问题简化了我的代码。

Essentially I am trying to randomly select within a dictionary which is inputted by the user, a random object within whichever option the user chooses. 本质上,我试图在用户输入的字典中随机选择一个随机对象,无论用户选择哪个选项。 For example if the user put a for the categ, and FIRST for the opt, randomOpt would be set to either a, b, or c. 例如,如果用户为categ放置a,为opt放置FIRST,则randomOpt将设置为a,b或c。

categ = input('hello OR hi: ')
opt = input('FIRST, SECOND, OR LAST: ')

hello = {'FIRST':['a','b','c'],'SECOND':['z','x','y'],'LAST':['t','u','v']}

hi = {'FIRST':[1, 2, 3], 'SECOND':[20, 19, 18], 'LAST': [10, 11, 12]}

import random
randomOpt = random.choice(categ[opt])

Whenever I run this, Python returns 'string indices must be integers' My friend suggested doing 每当我运行此命令时,Python都会返回“字符串索引必须为整数”,我的朋友建议这样做

categ = input('hello OR hi: ')
opt = input('FIRST, SECOND, OR LAST: ')

hello = {'FIRST':['a','b','c'],'SECOND':['z','x','y'],'LAST':['t','u','v']}

hi = {'FIRST':[1, 2, 3], 'SECOND':[20, 19, 18], 'LAST': [10, 11, 12]}

import random

if categ == 'hello':
   randomOpt = random.choice(hello[opt])
elif categ == 'hi':
   randomOpt = random.choice(hi[opt])


But doing so feels a lot less 'dynamic' I suppose Could anybody help me figure out why this code doesn't work, and how I could edit to to fix it? 但是我认为这样做的“动态性”要小得多,有人可以帮助我弄清楚为什么这段代码不起作用,以及如何编辑以解决该问题吗?

You want another dict, with hello and hi as keys. 您需要另一个hellohi为键的字典。

stuff = {
    'hello': hello,
    'hi': hi

randomOpt = random.choice(stuff[categ][opt])

Just add another level of nestedness. 只需添加另一级别的嵌套即可。

choices = {'hello': hello,
           'hi': hi

You can also use the .keys method of dictionaries to dynamically present the choices to the user. 您还可以使用字典的.keys方法向用户动态显示选择。

So perhaps something like 所以也许像

user_choice = input('Choose one: ' + ' '.join(choices.keys())
choice = choices[user_choice]
options = ' '.join(choice.keys())
user_opt = input('Choose one: ' + options)
population = choice[user_opt]

When dealing with nested data, it can help to name variables as you traverse nested structures, IE nested = parent[key] , more_nested = nested[other_key] , etc. which is, to me, easier to reason about compared to obj[key][index][other_key] 处理嵌套数据时,它可以帮助您遍历嵌套结构时命名变量,例如IE nested = parent[key]more_nested = nested[other_key]等。在我看来,与obj[key][index][other_key]相比more_nested = nested[other_key]更容易推理obj[key][index][other_key]

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