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[英]Import js file to webpack application js

I have ruby project where I add typescript and webpacker 我有ruby项目,在其中添加了打字稿和webpacker

I have wrote typescript and make rake assets:tsc . 我已经写了打字稿,并做了rake assets:tsc So it compiles ts code to js. 因此,它将ts代码编译为js。

Now I have welcome.js at folder `app/assets/javascripts/generated/welcome.js 现在,我在文件夹“ app / assets / javascripts / generation / welcome.js”中有welcome.js。

Here is code of welcome.js 这是welcome.js的代码

 var HelloWorld = /** @class */ (function () {
    function HelloWorld(name) {
        this.name = name;
    HelloWorld.prototype.print = function () {
        alert("Hello World, " + this.name + "!");
    return HelloWorld;
new HelloWorld('John Doe').print();
//# sourceMappingURL=welcome.js.map

I need to import it to webpacker application.js for example. 例如,我需要将其导入到webpacker application.js I cannot find any tutorial how to do this on ruby on rails. 我找不到任何教程如何在Rails上的ruby上执行此操作。

how I can solve this? 我该如何解决?


I tried to wrote in welcome.js 我试图写在welcome.js

export default HelloWorld;

And in application.js wrote import HelloWorld from 'generated' 然后在application.js import HelloWorld from 'generated'

And get this in console 并在控制台中获取

Uncaught Error: Cannot find module "generated" at Object. 未捕获的错误:在对象上找不到模块“生成”。 (application.js:1) at webpack_require (bootstrap 24a076357adc3b41e79b:19) at Object.defineProperty.value (bootstrap 24a076357adc3b41e79b:62) at bootstrap 24a076357adc3b41e79b:62 (application.js:1)位于webpack_require (bootstrap 24a076357adc3b41e79b:19)位于Object.defineProperty.value(bootstrap 24a076357adc3b41e79b:62)at bootstrap 24a076357adc3b41e79b:62

Is application.js inside /app/javascripts/packs ? application.js是否在/app/javascripts/packs If so you should be able to write: 如果是这样,您应该能够写:

import { HelloWorld } from 'generated/welcome'

at the top of application.js , then you can include it in your layout with: application.js的顶部,然后可以使用以下命令将其包括在布局中:

<%= javascript_pack_tag 'application' %>

I use this syntax in my JS classes: 我在JS类中使用以下语法:

export class HelloWorld { var HelloWorld = /** @class */ (function () { ...} }

Although you might want different class/function names. 尽管您可能想要不同的类/函数名称。

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