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[英]How to display data from array "Products": [{}]

How to populate this JSON in my EditForm.如何在我的 EditForm 中填充这个 JSON。 I have EditForm, that I want to display my data, my ws get me this JSON.我有 EditForm,我想显示我的数据,我的 ws 给我这个 JSON。 My data outside Products I can display in html, but data inside Products I don't know why not display.我在Products外面的数据我可以用 html 显示,但是 Products 里面的数据我不知道为什么不显示。 What is the problem?问题是什么?

This is my Json这是我的杰森

    "StatusCode": 0,
    "StatusMessage": "OK",
    "StatusDescription": [
            "Products": [
                    "p_id": "11E8218A54B30C89AE8800FF76874A59",
                    "p_pt_id": "11E7FC041F467AD4B09D00FF76874A59",
                    "p_l": 233,
                    "p_d": "test",
                    "p_q": 4,
                    "p_u_p": 50,
                    "p_s": 120                  
            "sale_item_id": "11E8219D916A69F6AE8800FF76874A59",
            "sale_id": "11E8218B9BA4F278AE8800FF76874A59",
            "client_id": "11E8218A57B28B0AAE8800FF76874A59",
            "sale_date": "2018-03-06T22:09:43.000Z",
            "notes": "testing",
            "subtotal": 80,
            "total": 50,
            "invoice_number": "28282",
            "invoice_date": "2018-03-06T21:57:41.000Z",
            "amount_paid": 32       

My ts code.我的 ts 代码。

editForm: FormGroup;    

    this.editForm = this.fb.group({

      'sale_id': new FormControl('', Validators.required),
      'client_id': new FormControl('', Validators.required),
      'sale_date': new FormControl('', Validators.required),
      'notes': new FormControl('', Validators.required),
      'total': new FormControl('', Validators.required),
       'p_d': new FormControl('', Validators.required),
        'p_pt_id': new FormControl('', Validators.required),
         'p_l': new FormControl('', Validators.required),
      'products': new FormControl([])

  populateForm() {
      params => {
          sale => {
            this.sale = sale;
              p_pt_id: this.sale.products.map(x => x.p_pt_id),
              p_l: this.sale.products.map(x => x.p_l),
                 p_d: this.sale.products.map(x => x.p_d)


And my html code还有我的 html 代码

<form [formGroup]="editForm" (ngSubmit)="oneddit()" class="col s12" materialize>

  <div class="contant">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="input-field col s4">
        <input formControlName="sale_id" id="sale_id" type="text" class="validate">
      <div class="input-field col s4">
        <input formControlName="client_id" id="client_id" type="text" class="validate">
      <div class="input-field col s4">
        <input formControlName="sale_date" id="sale_date" type="text" class="validate">
      <div class="input-field col s4">
        <input formControlName="notes" id="notes" type="text" class="validate">
      <div class="input-field col s4">
        <input formControlName="total" id="total" type="number" class="validate">

  <table align="center" class="table table-bordered table-hover">

      <tr style="color:black;">
      <tr class="group" style="cursor: pointer" *ngFor="let item of products;">
        <td>{{item.p_l}} </td>

  <div class="row" style="float: right;">
    <button id="add_client_button" type="submit" class="btn waves-effect waves-light">

I change this code, like我改变了这个代码,比如

ts code: ts 代码:

'products': this.fb.array([])

 this.sale.products.forEach(x => {
          (this.editForm.get('products') as FormArray).push(new FormControl(x.products))

and in html:并在 html 中:

      <tr class="group" style="cursor: pointer" *ngFor="let item of editForm.get('products').value; let i = index">
        <td>{{item.p_l}} </td>

but this change show me this error: ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'item.p_d' of null at Object.eval [as updateRenderer]但此更改向我显示此错误:错误类型错误:无法在 Object.eval [as updateRenderer] 处读取 null 的属性 'item.p_d'

Can you help me, what is the problem?你能帮我吗,有什么问题吗?

I solved this problem, like this我解决了这个问题,就像这样

this.sale.products.forEach(product => {
    (this.editForm.get('products') as FormArray).push(this.createFGPoduct(product))

    createFGPoduct(product: Product): FormGroup {
        return new FormGroup({
           p_id: new FormControl(product.p_id),
           p_pt_id: new FormControl(product.p_pt_id, [Validators.required]),
           p_l: new FormControl(product.p_l, [Validators.required]),
           p_d: new FormControl(product.p_d, [Validators.required])


HTML code. HTML 代码。

      <tr class="group" style="cursor: pointer" *ngFor="let item of editForm.get('products').value; let i = index">
        <td>{{item.p_l}} </td>

First put in your html {{editForm.value | json}}首先放入你的html {{editForm.value | json}} {{editForm.value | json}} to see what you have in there. {{editForm.value | json}}看看你有什么。

Second I suppose that this.sale.products refers to StatusDescription .其次,我认为this.sale.products指的是StatusDescription Now products is an array of let us say product objects.现在products是一个让我们说product对象的数组。 You ask products for product attributes.您向products询问product属性。 So supposing that you map your object correctly, you would need editForm.get('products').value in html .因此,假设您正确映射了您的对象,您将需要editForm.get('products').value in html Form arrays are arrays of FormGroup that they in turn have FormControl表单数组是FormGroup数组,它们又具有FormControl

Try this:尝试这个:

     this.sale.products.forEach(x => {
              (this.editForm.get('products') as FormArray).push(new FormGroup({
           p_id: x.p_id,
           p_l: x.p_l // and so on

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