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[英]Breaking an array of users in a group of sub-arrays

I would like to break a array with users:我想与用户打破一个数组:

    {name: "Carlos"},
    {name: "Marcos"},
    {name: "Fernando"},
    {name: "Jhon"},
    {name: "Loius"},
    {name: "Jacob"},

And get something like this:得到这样的东西:

        {name: "Jhon"},
        {name: "Loius"},
        {name: "Jacob"},
        {name: "Carlos"},
        {name: "Marcos"},
        {name: "Fernando"},

The criterion for splitting them is that I want that each sub array to have a maximum of 3 users, but the number of sub arrays can be unlimited.拆分它们的标准是我希望每个子数组最多有3个用户,但是子数组的数量可以没有限制。

 function splitIntoParts(input, maxElementsPerPart) { const inputClone = [...input]; // create a copy because splice modifies the original array reference. const result = []; const parts = Math.ceil(input.length/maxElementsPerPart); for(let i = 0; i < parts; i++) { result.push(inputClone.splice(0, maxElementsPerPart)); } return result; } console.log(splitIntoParts([ {name: "Carlos"}, {name: "Marcos"}, {name: "Fernando"}, {name: "Jhon"}, {name: "Loius"}, {name: "Jacob"}, {name: "Simon"}, ], 3));

chunk is elegantly expressed using functional style使用功能风格优雅地表达chunk

 const chunk = (xs = [], n = 1) => xs.length <= n ? [ xs ] : [ xs.slice (0, n) ] .concat (chunk (xs.slice (n), n)) const data = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] console.log (chunk (data, 1)) // [ [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ], [ 5 ], [ 6 ] ] console.log (chunk (data, 2)) // [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 5, 6 ] ] console.log (chunk (data, 3)) // [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] console.log (chunk (data, 4)) // [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 5, 6 ] ] console.log (chunk ()) // [ [ ] ]

I think take and drop abstractions make the function read a littler nicer.我认为take and drop抽象使函数读起来更好一点。 Your opinion may vary.您的意见可能会有所不同。

const take = (xs = [], n = 1) =>
  xs.slice (0, n)

const drop = (xs = [], n = 1) =>
  xs.slice (n)

const chunk = (xs = [], n = 1) =>
  xs.length <= n
    ? [ xs ]
    : [ take (xs, n) ] .concat (chunk (drop (xs, n), n))

 let data = [ {name: "Carlos"}, {name: "Marcos"}, {name: "Fernando"}, {name: "Jhon"}, {name: "Loius"}, {name: "Jacob"}, ] function toGroupsOf(n, array){ return Array.from( {length: Math.ceil(array.length/n)}, //how many groups (_,i) => array.slice(i*n, (i+1)*n) //get the items for this group ) } console.log(toGroupsOf(3, data));


function toGroupsOf(n, array){
  var groups = Array(Math.ceil(array.length/n));
  for(var i=0; i<groups.length; ++i)
    groups[i] = array.slice(i*n, (i+1)*n);
  return groups;

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