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[英]rounding double to 2 decimal places

i need to output e4 and e5 to 2 decimal places as it is currency 我需要将e4和e5输出到2个小数位,因为它是货币

public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {                                          
        if (e2.getText().toString() != "")                                              
            double salePrice = Double.parseDouble(e2.getText().toString());             
            double ebayFee = salePrice / 10.00;                                         
            double paypalFee = (salePrice * 0.034) + 0.2;                               
            double roundedPPFee = Math.round(paypalFee*100.00)/100.00;                  
            double roundedEbayFee = Math.round(ebayFee*100.00)/100.00;                  


You can use DecimalFormat (possibly with RoundingMode ) 您可以使用DecimalFormat (可能与RoundingMode一起使用

    //double yourNumber = ...;
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
    String roundedValue = df.format(yourNumber);

or BigDecimal : BigDecimal

    //double yourNumber = ...;
    String roundedValue = BigDecimal.valueOf(yourNumber).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR).toString();

You may want to take a look at the other thread where similar question was answered quite extensively. 您可能想看看另一个线程 ,其中相当广泛地回答了类似问题。

On a side note, you probably should not store money in a double because of their inability to represent decimal values accurately - see this question for broader explanation. 附带说明,您可能不应该将钱存成两倍,因为它们无法准确表示十进制值-有关更多说明,请参见此问题

What is the current output you are getting? 您得到的当前输出是多少?

Also try this and check your output. 也可以尝试一下并检查您的输出。 Instead of .00, just add .0 代替.00,只需添加.0

        double roundedPPFee = Math.round(paypalFee*100.0)/100.0;                  
        double roundedEbayFee = Math.round(ebayFee*100.0)/100.0;    
        double ebayFee = salePrice / 10.00;
        double paypalFee = (salePrice * 0.034) + 0.2;
        double roundedPPFee = Math.round(paypalFee*100.0)/100.0;
        double roundedEbayFee = Math.round(ebayFee*100.0)/100.0;
        DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("##.00");

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